
  1. 我国中西部黄土窑洞下不迁村安全开采技术

    Safety mining technology without moving villages under loessial cave-houses in Midwest of China

  2. 受命不迁,生发河湟&民族研究所成立25周年之回顾

    Retrospection of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of Institute of Research for Nationalities

  3. 玩儿出色彩的魔力《物不迁论》义析

    Things to Do : The Magic of Color

  4. 提出5种不迁村膏体充填采煤方法。

    Then , the related five methods of solid waste paste filling were put forward .

  5. 《物不迁论》义析

    On the Things Are Not Moving

  6. 这些结论将为煤矿膏体充填不迁村采煤技术的实施提供一些参考。

    The conclusions can provide some references for the practice of none-village-relocation coal extraction in the mine .

  7. 动物如何不是物其次从物不迁方面进一步论证世界空的性质;

    How animals are not objects secondly , it further proves the emptiness of the world from the view of " unmovable material " .

  8. 本文依据僧肇文本,具体分析了僧肇对物不迁的论证及其思想观点;

    Based on Seng Zhao ' text , this paper analyses Seng Zhao ' argument of the idea ' Things Are Not Moving ' .

  9. 2003年起,各高校推行大学生户口迁移自愿政策,许多学生面临着迁还是不迁的两难境地。

    Transferring hukou to a university became optional in 2003 , and many students are confronted with the dilemma of whether to do so or not .

  10. 僧肇的《物不迁论》通过事物的动静、因果关系的探讨,揭示了事物发展过程的间断性和连续性。

    Things Are Bu Qian of Seng Zhao explores the discontinuity and continuity of the development process by studying the dynamic and static and causal relationship of things .

  11. 农民进城就业多集中在以手工操作为主、技术含量较低的传统部门,处于非正规就业状态,没有割断他们与土地的联系,移而不迁,因而是不彻底的迁移。

    As most of them work in handicraft operates and low technique traditional sections , it is not cut off the in-city farmers with agrarian contact . Move but not migrate , so it is not a thorough migration .

  12. 村庄下膏体充填采煤是保护地表、提高采出率、实现不迁村采煤的绿色采矿新技术,是缓解我国煤炭资源紧张的形势、实现可持续发展的有效途径。

    Paste filling under village is a new technology of green mining which protects the surface , improves recovery coefficient and realizes none-village-relocation . It is an effective way to alleviate burdens on domestic coal resource and achieve sustainable development .

  13. 对比分析了村庄压煤采用传统迁村开采、条带开采存在的问题,以及采用固体废物膏体充填不迁村采煤技术的优越性,阐明我国煤矿发展固体废物膏体充填的重要意义。

    Compared with traditional strip mining and village-relocation mining , the advantage of using solid waste paste filling to realize none-village-relocation coal extraction was analyzed . The importance for China to develop solid waste paste filling technology in coal mine was clarified .

  14. 与此同时,提出了自己的设想:学生入学不迁户口,实行暂住人口登记和身份证制度,取消毕业生户口限制,制定相应的法律规范。

    At the same time , put forward my own ideas : students do not transfer registered permanent residence when in school , To implement temporary residents to register and ID card system , to abolish the restrictions on graduates registered permanent residence and develop the appropriate legal norms .

  15. 还有一条“不许迁怒于人”(noventing)的规则。

    There is also a ' no venting ' rule ;

  16. 舞台监督的职责不包括迁换布景、控制灯光或者运作票房等。

    Stage manager duties do not include shifting scenery , running lights or operating the Box Office , etc.

  17. 使民众把生死看得很重,而不往远处迁徒。

    Pay great attention to death , so people do not emigrate .

  18. 真正的快乐不可能于变化迁逝的事物中找到。

    M : True happiness cannot be found in things that change and pass away .