
  1. 我应该说,这不是散度定理的表述,这是由散度定理,经过许多步推导得到的。

    Sorry , I should say this is not the statement of a divergence theorem .

  2. 我将要证明一些稍简单的结论,而不是证明散度定理,也就是写在这儿的等式,接下来证明点简单的东西。

    So , instead of proving the divergence theorem , namely , the equality up there , I 'm going to actually prove something easier .

  3. 配线板的矛盾或相容,只是一个确定的、有限的问题,并不是像哥德尔定理那样,涉及到变化无穷的数论。

    Again , the ' contradictions ' and ' consistency ' conditions of the plugboard were concerned only with a decidedly finite problem , and not with anything like Gdel 's theorem , which concerned the infinite variety of the theory of numbers .

  4. 采用分子吸收的随机模式,而不是通常的Bouguer定理,处理水汽吸收,故更为合理。

    On the basis of the random model rather , than the Bouguer Law , the retrieval for water vapour absorption is more reasonable .

  5. 更进一步,我们还发现其中的一个条件可以用来判定束缚纠缠高斯态,从而说明这个条件并不是部分转置正定定理的推论。

    Furthermore , one of our sufficient conditions can be used to detect bound entangled Gaussian states , which cannot be detected by the positive partial transpose criterion .