
sāi chē
  • traffic jam
  • get stuck in or jammed by traffic congestion; be held up;have a traffic jam
塞车 [sāi chē]
  • [traffic jam] 交通被车辆堵塞

  1. 白天这个时候到处都塞车。

    There 're traffic jam everywhere this hour of the day !

  2. 塞车对于许多职员来讲是个头疼的事。

    The traffic jam is really a headache to many employees .

  3. 我被困在最严重的一次大塞车之中。

    I got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams .

  4. 洪水导致伦敦西部和希斯罗机场间形成了长达6英里的塞车长龙。

    The flooding led to six-mile tailbacks between west London and Heathrow Airport .

  5. 由于可以在途中工作、娱乐或者睡觉,他们就能忍受在塞车的公路上长时间、慢速度的通勤,这有利于城市的扩张。

    They tolerate long , slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work , entertain themselves or sleep on the ride , which encourages urban spread .

  6. 示例:告诉你一个喜大普奔的消息,滨河路大塞车啊。人艰不拆

    Example : Here is the news for celebration : Binhe Road is completely jammed up .

  7. AA道路监察局说首都的交通并不异常,直到晚高峰时间才会出现塞车现象。

    AA Roadwatch said traffic in the capital was not exceptional and did not build up until the evening rush hour .

  8. 更为严重的并非经济损失,而是噩梦般的乘车经历以及身陷塞车泥沼时的挫败感已经损害到人们的生活质量,这些是无法通过GDP值表现出来的。

    And beyond the economic costs , nightmarish train journeys and the frustration of sitting in traffic jams damage the quality of people 's lives in ways that are not picked up in GDP figures .

  9. 但甚至FIFA的一些高管们也不得不面对现实。在罢工期间,他们在来的路上遭遇了几个小时的塞车。

    But even some of its executives couldn 't avoid reality as they sat in traffic jams for hours trying to get across the city during the strike .

  10. 问题是……很多人会从“A”直接跳到“C”。他们遇到塞车就暴怒,他们认为塞车让他们难受,他们认识不到他们根本没必要愤怒,他们漏掉了最重要的一步。

    The problem is ... most people jump directly from " A " to " C. " They get stuck in traffic and become angry . They think the traffic jam made them upset . They don 't realize that they didn 't HAVE to get angry . They skipped an important step !

  11. 因为我塞车了,被困了一个小时。

    Because I was tied up in traffic for a hour .

  12. 吉姆的吉普车在大桥附近有些塞车。

    Jim has some jam on his jeep near the bridge .

  13. 我们可以走这条路以避免塞车。

    We can go this way to avoid a traffic jam .

  14. 等叫到车可能都塞车了飞机可能会提早起飞

    There could be traffic ! The plane could leave early !

  15. 路况报告说桥上大塞车。

    Traffic report says the bridge is backed up to westchester .

  16. 我担心405公路上会塞车。

    I was just worried about the pileup on the 405 .

  17. 他们遇到了塞车,没赶上班机。

    They were stuck in traffic and missed their flight .

  18. 警察提醒大家市区严重塞车。

    The police are warning of severe traffic delays downtown .

  19. 如果没有塞车,我们会没问题的。

    We 'll be alright if there 're no hold-ups .

  20. 想到回去时的塞车就令人头痛。

    Just thinking about the crowd on the way home is depressing .

  21. 可能遇到塞车了,我打电话过去。

    Maybe it 's the traffic . I 'll call .

  22. 对不起,让你等了这么久,塞车了。

    I am sorry to keep you waiting so long .

  23. 这样塞车,我们会迟到的。

    Damn this traffic . we 're gonna be iate .

  24. 妈妈,爸爸说他遇上塞车了。

    Mom , Dad says he was the traffic jam .

  25. 塞车,我没办法-拜托

    I can 't help the traffic . Oh , come on .

  26. 交通高峰期塞车是常有的事。

    Traffic jams happen all the time during rush hours .

  27. 你知道最恐怖的是,现在就是该塞车的时段。

    You know what 's scary is that this is rush hour .

  28. 我很生气&很显然,塞车不是我的错。

    I was annoyed & obviously the holdup wasn 't my fault .

  29. 如果没遇上塞车的话,我们能行。

    We should be ok if there are no hold-ups .

  30. 塞车的平衡已经没有问题了吗?

    The balance of the car is okay then ?