
miǎn yì
  • be exempted from military service;exempt from service
免役 [miǎn yì]
  • (1) [exempt from service]∶免除某种规定的服役

  • (2) [be exempted from military service]∶免服兵役

免役[miǎn yì]
  1. 类风湿关节炎(RA)是一种常见的慢性、系统性自身免役性疾病,属于中医痹证、历节等范畴。

    Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is a kind of frequently chronic 、 Autoimmune disease , belonging to " blockage syndrome " 、 " Lijie " of TCM .

  2. 注射禽流感疫苗免役肉鸡5天后,不论是皮下注射还是肌肉注射,用荧光RT-PCR方法检测,在胸肌和腿肌中均检不出病毒核酸,说明注射疫苗对检测结果无影响。

    Days after the broiler has been injected with AIV vaccine , no matter hypodermal or muscular injection , the real time RT-PCR has not found any AIV nucleotide , indicating the use of AIV vaccine has no effect on the test results .

  3. 目的:探索建立CIK细胞的有效原代培养方法并阐明其生物学特性,为该细胞在肿瘤过继免役治疗中的运用奠定基础。

    Objective : To build the experimental basement for the clinical use of CIK cells in tumor adoptive cellular immunotherapy , we established an effective protocol for their culture in vitro and explained their bio-characteristics .

  4. 世界疫苗和免役状况

    State of the World 's Vaccines and Immunization

  5. 并无证据证明在肝内的红细胞外期,可产生任何有效程度的免役。

    There is no evidence that the exo-erythrocytic stages in the liver produce any significant degree of immunity .

  6. 博古恰罗沃附近所有大村庄都是属于皇家和收免役税的地主。

    In the vicinity of Bogutcharovo were large villages inhabited by Crown serfs , or peasants who paid rent to absentee owners .

  7. 负责组织排斥的免役系统将很容易地识别出外来组织并强烈排斥它。

    The immune system , which is responsible for tissue rejection , will easily recognize the tissue as foreign and will reject it vigorously .

  8. 本文主要考察了两税、免役钱、榷酒、商税以及产自于陕西地区的解盐的收入。

    This article examines the two taxes , inoculations , money , tax , alcohol , Commerce , and Shaanxi-produced revenues of the salt solution .

  9. 运用文献资料法,综述了运动性免疫抑制的几种可能机制,并探讨了运动性免役抑制的意义,以期为相关研究提供理论依据。

    The article reviewed the several possible mechanisms of exercise-induced immunosuppression and its function by consulting some relative documents , and provided the theoretical basis for futher study .

  10. 官僚及其庇护下的亲友集团由此构成了中国社会所特有的一个不受法律影响的阶层,他们有免役免税的特权。

    Groups of officials , with their relatives , formed , thus , in Chinese society a special class not affected by the laws , exempt from taxation and conscription .

  11. 汉代政府对戍卒的管理已形成一套完整的制度,从戍卒的名籍、到服役期限、免役条件以及应对逃亡等都有严格的规定。

    Han Dynasty Garrisons management has formed a complete system from Garrisons the membership to the service period , the adaptive immune conditions and respond to flee , there are stringent regulations .

  12. 门荫给高官后代提供优先充作各阶层官僚以特权。同时也使他们享有经济的免役权。

    Menyin offered later generations of higher officials a privilege to have priority of being bureaucrats of all social strata , and allowed them to enjoy the right to economically exempt fron service .

  13. 结论苦参素治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎可明显改善肝功能,抑制乙肝病毒复制,并提高机体免役状态,提高血清白细胞数量。

    Conclusions Kurarinone has certain curative effect on patients with chronic viral hepatitis type B , it can ameliorate the liver function , inhibit the replication of HBV and raise the sum of WBC .

  14. 其中包括试剂和检测方法的规范、肝病免疫学诊断的临床应用、和临床操作程序规范化。肝脏疾病免役学的问题及发展方向。

    The issues covers normalizing the reagent and detection method , applying immunological diagnose of liver diseases to clinical practice , standardizing clinical operation , and presenting the problems and development trend in immunology of liver diseases .