
  1. 我只想作一个小孩,我不想长大!

    I don 't wanna be grewing up !

  2. 我,永远都不想长大!

    I wanna never grow up !

  3. 他的一首曲子被改编成了流行歌曲《不想长大》。

    One of his pieces was adapted to a pop song called Don 't Wanna Grow Up .

  4. 它使我想起了一首著名的、过去常常淹没于信赖与抗拒交加的喜悦之中的歌&《不想长大》。

    It reminds me of a famous song , Unwilling to Grow up , always used to submerged in the bliss of reliance and resistence .

  5. 我不想吞下长大的药丸,发现事情都跟从前不一样。

    I did not want to swallow the grow-up pill and see anything different .

  6. 除非你不想让我长大,改变。

    Unless you don 't want me to grow or change .

  7. 你不想看着她长大吗?

    Don 't you wanna see her grow up ?

  8. 我不想承认我长大了这个事实。

    I don 't want to admit that I grow up this fact .

  9. 我不想我闺女长大会崇拜一个小脱衣舞女。

    I don 't want my daughter to grow up and worship a tiny stripper .