
bù dé yǐ
  • have to;be forced to;cannot but;have no alternative but to;act against one's will
不得已 [bù dé yǐ]
  • [cannot but;have to] 无可奈何;不能不如此

  • 不得已,变姓名,诡踪迹。--宋.文天祥《指南录后序》

不得已[bù dé yǐ]
  1. 如果不得已,我们可以把这个宝宝作为弃婴。

    If we have to , we can designate the baby as a safe haven .

  2. 民众不喜欢银行家,尤其是在不得已要救助他们的时候。

    People do not like bankers , especially when they have to be bailed out .

  3. 他受伤严重,不得已只好放弃工作。

    He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work .

  4. 他们不得已卖掉家传的银器去支付账单。

    They 've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills .

  5. 议院不得已草率通过了这项提案。

    The bill was railroaded through the House .

  6. 他们不得已买了顶层楼座的廉价票。

    They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery .

  7. 实在不得已,她只好请几天假。

    She had no alternative but to ask for a few days ' leave .

  8. 由于欠地主家的钱,她不得已签了卖身契。

    She had to sign an indenture to sell herself , because she owed money to the landlord .

  9. B:这一种我们不得已也只加了8%而已。

    B : We 've had to increase our prices on this item by just 8 % .

  10. 肢体缺血的时间越长,IR损伤表现越重,严重者可引起肢体坏死,不得已而行截肢手术。

    The longer limb ischemia , the more sever IR injury in the performance , can cause severe limb necrosis and amputation at last .

  11. 将协议与SEEM协议对比发现该协议能量消耗更少,因为协议只有在不得已的情况下才使用泛洪。

    The proposed protocol results were compared to SEEM and showed to be consuming lesser energy due to the fact that it only use flooding as the last resort .

  12. 罗杰斯先生嫌塔高出他家的枫树和橡树并向当地镇政府投诉,竭力反对建塔,促使verizon不得已在附近另找塔基。

    Mr Rogers says it would soar above his maples and oaks . He has complained vigorously to town authorities , and Verizon is now investigating a different site nearby .

  13. 所以他们不得已又送来了两千个青年。

    So they brought the two hundred youths I had demanded .

  14. 除非不得已我不会打电话。

    I wouldn 't have called unless I had no choice .

  15. 把你开除厂籍是不得已的事情。

    We have no alternative but to expel you from the factory .

  16. 灰狗是人们不得已时廉价而肮脏的旅行选择。

    It was the cheap and dirty travel option of last resort .

  17. 在不得已的情况下,就作出让步接受帮助。

    Give in and accept help in an impossible situation .

  18. 他们不得已为了国家再次献身。

    They were asked to rededicate themselves to their country .

  19. 不得已,就走开别再回来。

    As a last resort , go away and never come back .

  20. 人们都看过来,不得已我把杯子接过来。

    People were staring , so I took the cup .

  21. 其它一些公司则是不得已才远离本国股市。

    Others simply end up far from home by default .

  22. 输液是不得已的口服中药失败时。

    Infusion is the last resort when oral medicine fails .

  23. 呃我不得已做了点改动

    Um , so I had to make a couple of changes ,

  24. 英国警察方不得已时才可以用枪。

    British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort .

  25. 我讨厌说这种话但也有不得已之时。

    At least I hate saying it but sometimes I feel like to .

  26. 狗并非真的喜欢骨头胜过肉(不得已)。

    Dogs do not actually prefer bones to meat .

  27. 我不得已杀了几个人,但是我拿到了。

    I had to slit a few throats , but I got it .

  28. 如果她因为不得已甩了迈克而难过

    Well , if she was upset that she had to dump Mike ,

  29. 祖格德当时不得已充当了口译。

    Zigurd then acted as a reluctant interpreter .

  30. 你自己跟我说那是不得已之举。

    You told me yourself that was necessary .