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  • 网络The Fountain of Youth
  1. 绿茶-盛在杯子里的青春:除了良好的口感-喝绿茶就像饮用不老泉的泉水。

    Green Tea-Youth in a Glass : Apart from being exceptionally tasty-drinking green tea could be likened to drinking from the fountain of youth .

  2. 风靡世界的美国魔术大师大卫·科波菲尔声称,他在巴哈马群岛南部最近花5000万美元购买的4座小岛上发现了“不老泉”。

    MIAMI ( Reuters ) - Master illusionist David Copperfield says he has found the " Fountain of Youth " in the southern Bahamas , amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $ 50 million .

  3. 太平洋证券公司(PacificSecurities)的分析师纳比尔•艾瑟莎称,实现这种“非线性”(non-linearity)的收入增长无异于找到了可以重新焕发生机的“不老泉”(fountainofyouth)。

    Getting to this " non-linearity " of revenue would be akin to the fountain of youth , according to Nabil elsheshai , an analyst at Pacific Securities .

  4. 婴儿潮一代担心身体寿命长于大脑寿命,他们拥有的财富超过了胡安·庞塞·德莱昂(JuanPoncedeLeón)的财富。他们对大脑不老泉的追求创造了一个价值10亿美元的产业。

    The quest for a mental fountain of youth , pursued by baby boomers who fear that their bodies will outlive their brains , and who have deeper pockets than Juan Ponce de Le ó n , has created a billion-dollar industry .

  5. 教导员琳达称那就像是不老泉。

    Instructor Linda Ferrell says it 's like the fountain of youth .

  6. 关于长生药或者不老泉

    of an elixir of life or a fountain of youth

  7. 学习语言,仿佛是让头脑喝到了不老泉。

    Studying a language had been like drinking from a mental fountain of youth .

  8. 好歹也是“发现不老泉的人”耶。

    Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth .

  9. 科波菲尔坚称,他的群岛上有那种可以让人青春永驻的传说中的“不老泉”。

    Co erfield I ists his archipelago also contai the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth .

  10. 大多数人期望的第四部电影遵循麻雀冒险去发现不老泉的宝库,在第三部的结论。

    Most people expect the fourth film to follow Sparrow 's adventure to find the Fountain of Youth , a treasure revealed at the conclusion of the third film .

  11. 今年早些时候,一组量子物理学家报告称,他们成功地创造出了一种电脑算法,其功能就像不老泉一样。这对希望实现虚拟世界中的本杰明?巴顿的人来说,在技术上是一场胜利。

    In what amounts to a technological triumph for the aspiring Benjamin Buttons of the virtual world , a team of quantum physicists reported earlier this year that they had succeeded in creating a computer algorithm that acts like the Fountain of Youth .

  12. 人们可能会将有关苹果公司前景和估值的辩论总结为:苹果iPhone手机和iPad平板电脑(占苹果销售的三分之二)能否像Mac电脑一样,饮取青春不老之泉;还是像iPod那样终会老去?

    One might sum up the debate about Apple 's prospects and valuation like this : will the iPhone and the iPad ( two-thirds of Apple 's sales ) drink from the fountain of youth , as the Mac has , or prove mortal , like the iPod ?

  13. 而晋祠最使艺术家向往和青睐的,则是圣母殿内的彩塑。祠内有周代大柏,千年不息的难老泉,北宋年间建造的圣母殿,以及金代建造的献殿。

    With its great cypress tree dating from the Zhou Dynasty , the Never Old Spring that has run for thousands of years , the Goddess Hall built in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Xian Temple constructed in the Jin Dynasty .