
  • 网络forum non conveniens;forum non convenience;forum non conveniens doctrine;doctrine of forum non conveniens
  1. 美国国际民事管辖权中的两大阀门&不方便法院原则与禁诉命令

    Two Valves of International Civil Jurisdiction of USA & Forum non conveniens doctrine and anti-suit injunction

  2. 但不方便法院原则却在实践中逐渐发生了变化。

    Forum non conveniens in reality little by little has changed .

  3. 学术视野中的不方便法院原则&评美国学者对不方便法院原则的建议条款

    Comment on forum Non Conveniens Doctrine Proposal Clause of American Scholars

  4. 加拿大的不方便法院原则与英国一样,都采取了更适当法院的标准。

    Canada adopted the more appropriate forum method as British .

  5. 论不方便法院原则在我国确立的必然性

    On the inevitability of the establishment of inconvenience doctrine in our country

  6. 新西兰不方便法院原则的实践及对我国的启示

    Judicial Practice of Forum Non-Conveniens Doctrine in New Zealand and Its Inspirations to China

  7. 在我国引入不方便法院原则的相关问题研究

    Study on Relevant Issues of Adopting the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in China

  8. 加拿大不方便法院原则的实践

    Practice of Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine in Canada

  9. 不方便法院原则在中国的适用

    The Application of Inconvenient Court Principle in China

  10. 但在跨国环境侵权诉讼实践中,许多深受跨国公司境外经营活动之害的原告却因为不方便法院原则的适用而无法获得应有的司法救济。

    But in transnational environmental tort litigation practice , many plaintiffs cannot get judicial remedy .

  11. 试析《魁北克民法典》第3135条关于不方便法院原则的规定

    An Analysis of Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine of Article 3135 in Quebec Civil Law Code

  12. 美国不方便法院原则在美国得到了极大的承认和发展。

    The Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens is a very important doctrine in American law .

  13. 通过对不方便法院原则的几种概念的比较分析,对该原则的概念作了比较客观的界定。

    First , compare several different concepts and define the doctrine of forum non-conveniens all-sidedly .

  14. 美国最高法院在实践中建立了灵活的不方便法院原则。

    The Supreme Court of the United States established flexible forum on conveniens doctrine in practice .

  15. 我国要吸取新西兰的经验与教训,严格适用不方便法院原则。

    China should draw a lesson from New Zealand and make its practice of the doctrine strict .

  16. 经过近四个世纪的发展,不方便法院原则在抑制日益扩大的管辖权方面发挥了不可替代的作用。

    The doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens has played an irreplaceable part in restraining the expanding jurisdiction .

  17. 在实务层面应用得最为广泛的原则主要有不方便法院原则和国际合作原则。

    The doctrine of Forum non Convenience and the principle of international cooperation are widely used in practical .

  18. 不方便法院原则(又称“非方便法院原则”)是国际民事诉讼中一个非常特殊而又十分重要的制度。

    The doctrine of Forum Non Convenience is a very special and important mechanism in international civil litigation .

  19. 论跨国公司环境法律责任与不方便法院原则&以博帕尔案为例

    On the Environmental Legal Liability of Multinationals and the Principle of Forum Non Conveniens & example of Bhopal Case

  20. 一般认为不方便法院原则起源于苏格兰,并在英美法系国家得到了广泛的运用和发展。

    The doctrine of forum non conveniens originates from Scotland and is widely adopted by the common law legal system .

  21. 不方便法院原则是盛行于英美国家用于解决国际民事管辖权积极冲突的一种有效手段。

    The doctrine of forum non-convenience prevails in Anglo-American countries to solve the problem of positive conflict of international jurisdiction .

  22. 博帕尔案的不方便法院原则研究&兼谈跨国公司环境法律责任问题

    On the Principle of Forum Non Conveniens from the Bhopal Case & Also on the Environmental Legal Liability of Multinationals

  23. 本文以不方便法院原则为视角,分析我国涉外案件拒绝管辖的基础。

    The paper analyzes the foundation of declining jurisdiction in foreign-related civil cases from the view of the doctrine of forum non conveniens .

  24. 本部分采用比较法的分析方法分析普通法系国家的一些做法,理清不方便法院原则的体系并对各国的不方便法院原则进行比较。

    This part analyzes some procedures of common-law system , clear off the forum non convenience doctrine system and compares various countries ' principle .

  25. 不方便法院原则是英美等国法院本着协调礼让、诉讼经济等目的拒绝行使管辖权的一项制度。

    The doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in Common Law countries is a legal approach of waiving jurisdictions in order of comity and economical litigation .

  26. 在1990年的CastroAlfaro一案中,德克萨斯州最高法院在非法致死和人身伤害侵权领域里拒绝适用不方便法院原则。

    The Supreme Court of Texas rejected the forum non convenience doctrine in the field of personal injury and unlawful death in 1990 Castro Alfaro case .

  27. 第三部分:在本部分,文章落脚于不方便法院原则在我国的立法与实践。

    Part Three : This part is based on the study of the current legislation and practice of the doctrine of forum non-convenience in our country .

  28. 通过这一判例可以看到,在我国的立法和司法实践中引入“不方便法院原则”是非常必要的。

    This law case indicates that an introduction of " non-convenient principle " into the practice of legislation and judicature in China seems to be very necessary .

  29. 建议条款在一定程度上限制了美国现行不方便法院原则的灵活性,为我国不方便法院原则的未来立法提供了某些借鉴。

    The proposal clause limits the flexibility of the doctrine in some degree and provides some experience for the legislation of forum non conveniens doctrine of our country .

  30. 在当前的一些跨国环境侵权诉讼中,受害人对管辖法院的选择常常会遭遇不方便法院原则的冲击和否定。

    In some current international environment tort suits , the victims often suffer shock and deny of the doctrine of forum non conveniens in the choice of Court .