
  • 网络Incomplete Contract Theory;incomplete contracting theory;GHM
  1. 在理论方面,对股权结构、公司绩效和EVA的内涵进行了界定,并对委托代理理论、产权理论、不完全契约理论这些基本理论进行了分析。

    In theoretical analysis side , we first define the essence of ownership structure , corporate performance and EVA , then analyze some basic theories , such as , principal-agent theory , property rights theory and incomplete contract theory .

  2. 基于不完全契约理论的会计信息质量分析

    Analysis on Quality of Accounting Information Based on Incomplete Contract Theory

  3. 本文借鉴不完全契约理论,从微观经济学角度出发,分析了在不同条件下,存款保险与中央银行LLR之间的关系,得到了比较有意义的结果。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between the central bank 's LLR and the deposit insurance system under different conditions from microeconomic perspective with incomplete contract theory .

  4. 新制度经济学中不完全契约理论的分歧与融合&以威廉姆森和哈特为代表的两种进路

    The Divarication and Amalgamation of Incomplete Contracting Theory of New Institutional Economics

  5. 风险投资契约理论是一个不完全契约理论。

    The contract theory of venture capital is an incomplete contract theory .

  6. 不完全契约理论下企业间的交易效率

    The Transactional Efficiency Analysis Based on Incomplete Contract Theory

  7. 基于不完全契约理论的人力资源管理外包决策分析

    An Analysis on Outsourcing Human Resource Management Decision Based on Incomplete Contract Theory

  8. 三是本研究构建了不完全契约理论的激励优化模型。

    Thirdly , this research establishes the optimized motivation model based on Incomplete Contract Theory .

  9. 不完全契约理论:一个综述

    Incomplete Contracting Theory : A Survey

  10. 关于公司治理的理论有契约理论和不完全契约理论。

    The theories on company financial treatment contains the contract theory and the incomplete contract theory .

  11. 在本文中所涉及到的理论基础主要有委托代理理论、不完全契约理论以及控制权理论。

    In this paper , it relates to the theoretical basis of the principal-agent theory , incomplete-contract theory and control theory .

  12. 企业边界如何决定?&不完全契约理论文献综述

    How to Determine the Boundary of the Firm ? & A Summary of the Literature on the Theory of Incomplete Contract

  13. 本文基于不完全契约理论研究了股东&利益相关者博弈对并购方股东财富效应的影响。

    This paper uses contract economics to investigate the impact of shareholder-stakeholder game on the shareholder wealth effect in merger and acquisition .

  14. 股权激励的理论基础主要包括委托代理理论、人力资本理论、不完全契约理论、交易成本理论。

    The theoretical basis of equity-based incentives include principal-agent theory , human capital theory , incomplete contract theory , transaction cost theory .

  15. 当完备的契约仅仅依赖于自我执行和可信承诺时,传统的契约理论逐渐被以后发展起来的不完全契约理论所替代。

    The traditional contract theory has been replaced gradually by incomplete contract when the complete contract only depends on performance willingly and faithful promises .

  16. 本研究在理论探讨和实证分析的基础上,构建了基于不完全契约理论的激励优化模型。

    This paper , on the basis of theoretical research and empirical analysis , establishes the optimized motivation model based on Incomplete Contract Theory .

  17. 本章主要论述了企业成本习性中费用粘性主要的两个理论基础:代理理论和不完全契约理论。

    This chapter mainly discusses the cost of enterprise cost behavior of viscosity in two main theories : agency theory and incomplete contract theory .

  18. 该部分运用不完全契约理论,从控制权角度将企业目标明确为股东权益最大化,从而为企业的产品市场竞争与资本结构决策行为明确了决策目标。

    With the application of incomplete contract theory , this dissertation clarifies the aim of maximizing shareholder 's value from the perspective of firm 's control right .

  19. 不完全契约理论认为,由于某种程度的有限理性或者交易费用,使得现实中的契约是不完全。

    Incomplete contract theory suggests that , due to a certain degree of limited rationality , or transaction costs , making the reality of the contract is incomplete .

  20. 现代契约理论的演化经过了非对称信息下的委托&代理契约理论和不完全契约理论两个阶段。

    The evolution of Modernistic Contract Theory passes through two stages : the stage of Principal-Agent Contract Theory under asymmetrical information and the stage of Incomplete Contract Theory .

  21. 本部分还对克莱因不完全契约理论的渊源和发展历程进行了梳理,大致理清作者理论发展的逻辑思路。

    This section also combs the origin and the development course of the theory of Klein incomplete contract , roughly sorts out the theoretical development of logical thinking .

  22. 全文的主要框架是:第一部分是通过对现代契约理论的总结回顾,探讨了违约发生的理论基础即不完全契约理论。

    The chief frame of this essay is : the fist section discusses the theory base of occurring of breach of contract being theory of no completely contract .

  23. 最后,根据不完全契约理论提出一系列针对性的措施,为旅行社降低导游流失率提供相关建议。

    Finally , a series of measures will be deduced to provide concerned suggestions to lower the ratio of the loss phenomenon of tour guides in the travel agency .

  24. 同时,不完全契约理论也明确了最佳的契约形式是在松散的和紧密的契约之间取舍。

    At the same time , incomplete contract theory also made it clear the best form of contract is " loose " and " close " to choose between contracts .

  25. 首先,在委托代理理论、交易成本理论和不完全契约理论的理论支持下,分析了契约不完全的成因以及由此导致的契约风险。

    First , the paper analyze the causes of incomplete contracts and the resulting contract risk supported by the principal-agent theory , transaction cost theory and the incomplete contract theory .

  26. 其次,运用不完全契约理论、委托代理理论和控制权价值理论深度剖析大股东与盈余管理的关系。

    Secondly , based on the Incomplete Contract Theory , Principal-agent Theory , and Control Right Value Theory , the relationship between large shareholders and earnings management is deeply analyzed .

  27. 学者们还引入了多种理论,奠定了公司治理的理论基础,其中,最重要的两个理论是委托代理理论和不完全契约理论。

    Scholars also introduce many kinds of theories to establish its theoretical foundation . Among them , there are two most important theories , namely principal-agent theory and incomplete contract theory .

  28. 因此我们得出结论,会计固有风险的直接动因是会计政策选择,根源来自于不完全契约理论决定的原则导向型会计准则。

    Therefore , we conclude that the risks inherent in accounting is the direct result of the accounting policy choice , causes incomplete contract theory from the principle of decision-oriented accounting standards .

  29. 不完全契约理论认为,在一个不确定性的现实世界中,契约不可能包括对末来各种可能状态的预测及其相应的权利与义务的安排。

    On the other hand , the incomplete contract theory tells that in a world with uncertainty the contract is never too complete to include all conceivably possible arrangements of rights and duties .

  30. 不完全契约理论认为,剩余索取权和剩余控制权统一于所有权,根据剩余控制权的安排就能推出剩余索取权的安排。

    Incomplete contract theory , residual claim and residual control of unified ownership , in accordance with the arrangements of the residual rights of control will be able to launch the arrangement of the residual claim .