
  1. 以现代国民收入决定理论为基础,分两个阶段探讨金融发展经由总需求要素传导,引致经济增长的途径。

    Based on the modern theory of NI , this paper discusses the approaches by which financial deepening causes economic growth through demand elements in two phases .

  2. 基于凯恩斯关于国民收入决定理论,通过对1985年至2002年的数据进行分析,估算出我国IS&LM经济模型、投资函数、消费函数、利率函数,计算出我国短期和长期财政政策的乘数。

    According to keynes'theoretics about national income deciding , estimates the IS & LM economy model , the investment function , consume function and interest rae function of my country and figures out long multipliers and short multipliers .