
  1. 改革开放以来,集体林区国有森林资源资产产权变动较普遍,产权变动规模、原因、形式、流向等,呈明显变化趋势。

    As China 's reform and openning , property right alteration of national forest resources assets in collective forest district is rather universal . There are obvious trends in total amount , cause , form , and flow direction of these alterations .

  2. 国家档案局等四部委关于《国有企业资产与产权变动档案处置暂行办法》的相关规定与全宗理论中的来源原则既有相通又有相悖之处。

    There are some identity and contradictions between related the regulations of ″ Temporary Methods of Archival Disposition in Change of Property and Property Rights of State-Owned Enterprises ″ issued by four Ministries and Departments including State Archives Bureau and the principle of provenance of fonds theory .