
  1. 不同于金融危机以来的前几年,H-1B签证(美国移民局签发给受美国公司雇用的从事专业职位的外籍人士的短期非移民工作签证&译注)申请大幅增加。

    Unlike previous years since the financial crisis , petitions for H-1B visashave risen sharply .

  2. 在人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)2016年的《女性成长,则百业俱兴》报告中,拉美是唯一一个有望到2025年在专业职位或较高职位实现性别平等的地区。

    In the 2016 When Women Thrive report fromMercer , the human resources consultancy , Latin America is the only region ontrack to achieve gender parity in professional-level positions and higher by2025 .

  3. 女学员开始攻读EMBA课程的年龄(36岁)较男性年轻两岁左右,但高级职位上的男女比例基本平衡,担任较初级职位的女性略多一些——26%的女学员担任专业职位,男学员的这一比例为24%。

    At 36 , women are about two years younger than men but senior positions are fairly well distributed between genders , with only slightly more women in relatively junior positions - 26 per cent of them are professionals compared with 24 per cent of men .

  4. 职场上剩余的劳动者正在分化为高级管理和专业职位,以及低层次的服务岗位。

    The remainder of the workforce is polarising into high-level managerial and professional posts and low-tier service jobs .

  5. 家庭朋友也可以为你写推荐信,但最好他们拥有专业职位,比如说银行家、教师或医生。

    A family friend is also possible but ideally they should have some professional position such as a banker , teacher or doctor .

  6. 因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。

    Because I think my major is suitable for this position .

  7. 不确定环境中的抉择:从专业选择到职位决策

    From Specialty Selection to Job Decision Under the Circumstance of Uncertainty

  8. 不过,《草案》并无界定“非技术性职位”、“技术性职位”及“高级专业技术性职位”。

    However , the Draft Law does not define the terms'non-technical position ' , 'technical position'and'senior professional technical position ' .

  9. 匿名反馈包括专业的领导职位、已发表的论文篇数、参与的期刊、在专业、科学、临床上花费的时间等信息,当然,还有薪酬。

    The anonymous responses included information on professional leadership activities , the number of papers published and the journals they were in , hours spent working on professional , scientific and clinical activities & and , of course , pay .

  10. 我们为IT/电信、IT、金融、制造业、地产等主流行业提供系统性、定制化和专业化的VIP职位猎头服务、中高级职位猎头服务。

    We are IT / telecommunications , IT , finance three major industries , systematic , customized job search and professional VIP service , high-class job search services .

  11. 大多数招聘官都了解自身专业领域内相关职位的一般职责。

    Most recruiters know the general duties related to careers within their specific fields .

  12. 在2010年移居海外的英国公民当中,将近一半的人之前担任专业技术或者管理职位,大多数人已明确了在移民之后四年或更多时间里将要从事的工作。

    Almost half of all British emigrants in 2010 were previously in professional or managerial roles and most of those move abroad to take up a definite job for four years or more .