
  • 网络Specialized wheat;winter wheat for different end uses
  1. 不同类型专用小麦HMW-GS和GMP含量与面筋含量的关系

    Relationship between HMW-GS and GMP Contents with Gluten Content in Wheat for Different End Use

  2. 水分处理对不同专用小麦旗叶和籽粒GS活性和产量的影响

    Effect of Water Control on Glutamine Synthetase ( GS ) Activity of Flag Leaves and Grain and Quality of Winter Wheat with Specialized End-uses

  3. 对不同类型专用小麦籽粒可溶性糖、淀粉和组分的合成与积累及淀粉特性的研究结果表明,不同类型专用小麦籽粒蔗糖含量随灌浆进行而逐渐降低,以花后6d含量最高;

    The synthesis and accumulation of the grain total soluble sugar content , grain starch and grain starch component and the grain starch characteristics in wheat with different gluten type was studied .

  4. 面包专用小麦国产化研究

    A new variety of domestic wheat special used as bread making

  5. 优质专用小麦的生产与发展策略

    Development Strategy and Production of Quality Wheat Varieties for Specific End-uses

  6. 不同类型专用小麦氮肥施用参数研究

    Study on N Application Parameters in Wheat for Different End Uses

  7. 专用小麦粉生产及添加剂的应用

    The Production of Tailored Wheat Flour and the Application of Additives

  8. 专用小麦粉及其生产中若干问题的探讨

    An Approach to Several Problems in the Production of Tailored Wheat Flour

  9. 信阳优质专用小麦发展现状及对策

    Development situation and countermeasures of Xinyang fine-quality wheat varieties for special purposes

  10. 中国专用小麦区划研究

    Studies on Regional Planning of Chinese wheat of special use

  11. 市场需求诱导优质专用小麦的发展;

    Changes in market demand induce development of wheat production for special purpose .

  12. 江苏优质专用小麦品种主要性状比较研究

    Comparison of Main Characters of Special Wheat Varieties with Good Quality in Jiangsu

  13. 不同类型专用小麦籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量变化动态差异分析

    Differences of Protein and Its Component Accumulation in Wheat for Different End Uses

  14. 发展专用小麦生产推动产业化进程

    Development of Wheat Production for Quality and Industrialization

  15. 鲜湿面条专用小麦品种品质的评价

    Evaluation of Wheat Quality for Wet Noodle Making

  16. 在田间条件下,研究不同类型专用小麦品种籽粒淀粉积累动态。

    Dynamics of grain starch accumulation in wheat for different end uses were studied .

  17. 拔节期是不同类型专用小麦最佳氮肥高产施用期。

    Nitrogen topdressed at elongation for different wheat could result in the highest yield .

  18. 专用小麦粉生产的基本条件

    Discussion on Basic Conditions of Manufacturing Appropriative Flour

  19. 蛋糕粉专用小麦品种筛选研究

    A Study on Sifting of Wheat Variety for Production of Tailored Flour for Cakes

  20. 我国优质专用小麦生产和加工的现状及其发展对策研究

    Production and Processing of Quality and Tailored Wheat and its Development Countermeasures in China

  21. 不同类型专用小麦籽粒淀粉及其组分积累动态

    Accumulation characteristics of starch and its components in grains of wheat for different end uses

  22. 不同专用小麦胚乳细胞淀粉体的比较研究

    A comparison study on the amyloplasts of endosperm cells in the different and special wheat

  23. 四川三个专用小麦的贮藏蛋白分析

    Storage Proteins Analysis of Three Wheat Cultivars with Different Quality Character in Sichuan , China

  24. 优质弱筋专用小麦籽粒品质形成的生理生态机制与调优栽培技术

    Physiological and ecological basis of grain quality formation and regulation approaches for weak-gluten specialty wheat

  25. 超强筋面包专用小麦新品系津强1号引育技术的研究

    Study on Introducing and Breeding Technique of New Line of Super strong Gluten Bread Wheat

  26. 施磷量对不同类型专用小麦产量和品质的调控效应

    Effect of Phosphorus Application on Grain Yield and Quality of Wheat for Different End Uses

  27. 月饼粉专用小麦的研究

    Study on moon cakes flour wheat

  28. 山东省优质专用小麦种植区划研究

    Study on Regional Planning of planting wheat with superior quality and special use in Shandong Province

  29. 发展优质专用小麦,促进农业产业结构调整

    Promote Adjustment of Agricultural Production Structure by The Development of Good Quality and Special Purpose Wheat

  30. 施氮方式对不同专用小麦氮素吸收及氮肥利用率的影响

    Effect of Different Nitrogen Application Types on N-Absorption and N-Utilization Rate of Specific Use Cultivars of Wheat