
  1. 南昌大学专职辅导员角色冲突基模分析

    Archetype Analysis on the Counselor 's Role Conflict of Nanchang University

  2. 略论如何做好高校专职辅导员的工作

    How to Be Good Full-time Tutors in Colleges and Universities

  3. 高校专职辅导员人力资源现状分析及其开发和管理

    The Status of Full-time Instructors in Universities : the Development and Management

  4. 论高校专职辅导员队伍建设专职辅导员队伍现代化建设的思考

    Thinking on Full-time College Assistants ' Modernization

  5. 专业美术院校的专职辅导员正是有效开展相关工作的执行者,是开展思想政治教育工作中非常重要的一支重要力量。

    The full-time counsellor are a very important team to carry out ideological and political education work in the professional art colleges .

  6. 结合南昌航空工业学院的实践经验,探讨了高素质专职辅导员队伍建设的策略和措施。

    According to the practical experience of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology we have discussed the strategy and measures for the group building of Assistants with high quality .

  7. 针对目前独立学院专职辅导员队伍建设存在的问题提出专职辅导员队伍建设应向在职业化、专业化方向发展,建立专职辅导员队伍建设的长效机制。

    Independent college full-time counselor for the current problems in the construction team proposed construction of full-time instructors should be in professional and specialized development , the establishment of full-time counselor team building long-term mechanism .

  8. 全面剖析独立学院办学以来专职辅导员队伍建设取得的成就、目前存在的问题和原因,结合独立学院专职辅导员角色定位、工作职责对独立学院专职辅导员队伍建设现状作系统详尽的阐述。

    Of Independent Colleges since the major professional counselors achievements , current problems and causes , combined with an independent college counselor role full time , work full time duty on the independent college counselor staff development for the system in detail .

  9. 即深化专职学生辅导员队伍建设,为道德教育提供组织保证;

    That is to train a group of full-time instructors to provide guarantee of moral education ;

  10. 职业化&高校专职政治辅导员队伍建设的必由之路

    Professionalization & An Essential Access to the Construction of the Full-Time Political Instructor Group in Colleges and Universities

  11. 专职公寓辅导员是适应新时期高校学生管理和德育教育工作所设立的新岗位,本文从一个新的视角,对其岗位设置的必要性、岗位设置、存在的问题及对策进行初步探讨。

    The professional university apartment counselors are new posts , which are set up to meet the need of universities students management and moral education work in the new period .

  12. 在大众化教育背景下高校推行专职政治辅导员机制能够进一步使高校思想政治教育工作向专业化、职业化方向发展,对于切实提高大学生思想政治教育的针对性、实效性具有十分重要的意义。

    University pursue full-time political counsellor mechanism can make university 's ideology and politics educational work develop towards specialization , professional direction further under mass education background , which have very important meanings in improving pertinence of university student 's ideological and political education , substantial results conscientiously .