
  1. 联勤保障体制以军区为基础,采取区域保障与建制保障相结合、通用保障与专用保障相结合的方式。

    The joint logistics system is based on military area commands . It combines regional support with organic system support and general supply support with special supply support .

  2. 着眼于未来作战我军可能面临的专用装备保障需求,提出了相应的对策建议。

    With a view to the demand of support of special purpose equipment that our army may face in the future , it puts forward corresponding advice .

  3. 论文重点研究了建立数字化炮兵测地保障中心来实现数字化炮兵测地信息快速、实时处理和传输,开发了一套数字化炮兵专用测地保障辅助决策软件。

    The paper focused on establishing the survey support center to deal with and transmit the survey information quickly and timely and for the first time offers a aided decision software of artillery survey support .

  4. 系统能快速测定土壤养分状况,给出不同土壤以及生态因子的生态平衡施肥方案,为推广生态平衡施肥、生产和供应高效专用肥料提供保障。

    This system will benefit to draw up a plan for crop ecological and equilibrium fertilizing quickly for different crops , soil types , and ecological factors , to produce , and to supply high-effect and special fertilizer after determining soil nutrients quickly .

  5. 高速公路专用通信网是保障高速公路现代化管理的基础技术平台,既要为语音、数据和图像提供传输通道,又要为新增的信息化服务预留条件。

    As the basic technical platform for protecting modern expressway management , expressway private communication network has not only provided the transmission channel for voice , data and image , but also reserved conditions for the new informatization services .