
  • 网络Professional search;specialist searching
  1. 基于WebCommunity识别的专业搜索引擎研究

    Research on a Specialized Search Engine Based on Web Community Recognition

  2. 一种基于WEB数据挖掘的企业智能化专业搜索引擎的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Enterprises Intelligent Professional Search Engines Based on Web Data Mining

  3. 专业搜索引擎DIALOG与GOOGLE的比较研究

    Study on application between professional search engine dialog and free search engine Google

  4. 于是针对Blog页面的专业搜索引擎(Blog搜索引擎)诞生了。

    So the professional search engines ( Blog Search Engines ) for web pages was born .

  5. 介绍了一个基于专业搜索引擎的元搜索引擎,提出将专业搜索引擎与专门搜索InvisibleWeb检索工具相结合的方法。

    A meta-search engine based on specialized search engine is introduced . Professional search engine will be made with specialized search " Invisible Web " search tools integrated approach .

  6. 博客作为个人知识获取的工具通常通过RSS信息推送服务、网络书签的信息推荐服务、网络标签的定制、博客专业搜索引擎等手段来实现。第二,博客的个人知识组织。

    Firstly , blog as a tool for acquiring personal knowledge is usually propelled by RSS information services , social bookmarks and recommending services , tag subscription , blog search engines .

  7. 因为类似Yelp和WolframAlpha这样的专业搜索正在崛起,Siri完全可以轻易绕过谷歌的搜索算法,去执行众多的搜索任务。

    Because of the rise of specialized searches like Yelp and Wolfram | Alpha , Siri can easily bypass Google 's search algorithms for many queries .

  8. Spock自称是发展最快的、最受欢迎的专业搜索引擎,其用户超过600万。

    In fact , Spock claims to be the fastest-growing and most popular specialist search engine , with more than 6m users .

  9. 针对专业搜索引擎,在分析了网页评测的基本问题和方法的前提下,提出了一种基于HITS综合价值评价的改进算法。

    This paper first analyzes the basic problems and methods of the algorithms to evaluate web pages , and then proposes a new algorithm to improve the performance of HITS based on web page analysis by synthesis .

  10. 本文主要从机器学习的角度,围绕提高搜索效率的问题,采用巩固学习(Reinforcementlearning,RL)的方法,对专业搜索引擎网络蜘蛛的搜索策略进行了深入研究。

    In the perspective of the application of the reinforcement learning on Web spiders , this paper mainly focuses on the work of finding efficient searching strategies . The concept of reinforcement learning and the recent researches on searching strategies of Web spiders are first introduced .

  11. 高校信息资源专业搜索引擎建设探讨

    Discussion on Building Professional Search Engine for Universities ' Information Resource

  12. 面向虚拟企业的智能化专业搜索引擎的研究与实现

    Researching and Implementing of Intelligent Professional Search for Virtual Enterprise

  13. 专业搜索引擎索引技术的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Indexer Technology in Professional Search Engine System

  14. 本论文对专业搜索引擎的技术基础、设计思想、应用系统的结构和实现都做了有益的研究和探索,具有广泛的应用价值和学术价值。

    This intelligence search engine has the extensive application value .

  15. 专业搜索引擎中文件服务系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of File Serving System in Professional Searcher Engine

  16. 可以用专业搜索引擎查到一篇论文。

    A literature search was performed using standard search engines .

  17. 化工类专业搜索引擎中的中文分词设计

    Design of Chinese Words Segmenting in Professional Search Engine for Chemic Specialty

  18. 介绍了互联网搜索引擎的分类和发展,指出了专业搜索引擎存在的可能性和必要性。

    Development and classification of search engine is investigated .

  19. 面向联盟企业的智能化专业搜索体系设计与实现

    A System of Intelligent Professional Search of Virtual Enterprise

  20. 基于专业搜索技术的在线证券咨询服务系统

    Solution of Online Consultant System for Stock Brokerage Based on Specialty Search Techniques

  21. 主题网络蜘蛛搜索策略是专业搜索引擎的核心技术。

    Topic web crawler search strategy is the core of professional search engine technology .

  22. 网上信息迅猛发展,研究专业搜索引擎迫在眉睫。

    Information develops rapidly in network it is necessary to study specialized Search Engine .

  23. 专业搜索引擎数据更新的算法P~2FC

    A Data Updating Algorithm in Focused Search Engines

  24. 基于语义的生物学专业搜索引擎设计

    Design of a Semantics-based Specialized Biological Search Engine

  25. 农业专业搜索引擎建设探讨

    Exploration on Building Professional Search Engine for Agriculture

  26. 本文设计并实现了化工专业搜索引擎专用的文件服务子系统,该子系统能够响应来自搜索引擎的文件读写请求,从而为搜索引擎提供高速的文件读写服务。

    This article designs and implements file serving system for the chemical searcher engine .

  27. 专业搜索引擎的开发研究

    Development Study of a Specialized Search Engine

  28. 化工专业搜索引擎系统架构设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Chemical Searcher Engine

  29. 建立农业专业搜索网站。

    Establishing a professional agricultural searching website .

  30. 基于统计信息的未登录词的扩展识别方法对专业搜索引擎中未登录词的识别研究

    Study on Chinese OOV Identification Based on Extension Professional Search Engine Unknown Word of Recognition