
  1. 此时,人们不但不肯伸出援手,反而希望专诸能把他给打个半死呢。

    So right now , not only did the people around refuse to reach out a helping hand but they also wished Zhuan Zhu could have beaten the hell out of him .

  2. 当作战命令颁布之时,坐着的士卒泪沾衣襟,躺着的士卒泪流满面,但把士卒置于无路可走的绝境,他们就都会象专诸、曹刿一样的勇敢。

    On the day they are ordered out to battle , your soldiers may weep , those sitting up bedewing their garments and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks . But let them once be brought to bay , and they will display the courage of a Chu or a Kuei .