
  • 网络Special planning;Subject Plan
  1. 为了保持电信C网的竞争力,保持用户体验上的差异化优势,提高网络覆盖,改善网络质量,打造精品网络,做好网络扩容与无线网专项规划是一项重要的工作。

    In order to keep the competitiveness of the telecommunication C net and the differentiation advantage of the user experience with improved network coverage and good quality , it is an important work to complete the network expansion and plan wireless special networks .

  2. 实施绿色照明工程已列入国家十一五节能专项规划,《建筑照明设计标准》(GB50034-2004)已实施两年。

    The implementation of green lighting program had been listed in the energy efficiency part of " Eleventh Five-Year " Plan , and " Standard for lighting design of buildings " had been carried out for two years .

  3. 十一五基础设施专项规划护航奥运交通

    The 11th 5-year infrastructural planning secures the traffic during the Olympic

  4. 城市给排水专项规划的编制要点

    Main Compiling Points of Special Plan of Municipal Water Supply and Drainage

  5. 道路工程专项规划的必要性及设计指引

    Necessity of the Special Planning for Road Project and Its Design Guidance

  6. 厦门市同安区电力网专项规划

    The Power System Planning of Tong'an District Xiamen City

  7. 城市更新专项规划的作用与角色探讨

    On the Effect and Role Judgement of the Special Plan of Urban Renewal

  8. 珠三角河网地区管线综合专项规划要点

    Comprehensive Special Planning Gist of Pipeline in River Network Area of Zhujiang Delta

  9. 结合长江防洪实际做好流域治理专项规划

    Implement special item valley harnessing planning in consideration of Yangtze flood control requirements

  10. 给水排水专项规划编制中若干问题的探讨

    On the formulation of water supply and drainage planning

  11. 能源建设和结构调整专项规划

    Sub-plan on Energy Development and Energy Mix Readjustment

  12. 简析太原市城中村改造专项规划

    Analysis on the Special Plan of Rebuilding the Villages Inside the City of Taiyuan

  13. 面向供电质量提高的城市电网专项规划研究

    Research on Special Planning in Urban Distribution System for Advancing Quality of Power Supply

  14. 专项规划环境影响报告书审查听证制度的实践与完善&以大连西部通道环评审查听证案为例

    Practice and Perfection of the Special Programs ' Environmental Impact Statement Review Hearing System

  15. 科技奥运建设专项规划

    A Specific Plan For High-Tech Olympics Construction

  16. 《中山市污水工程专项规划》编制中的三个问题

    Three Problems in Draft of the Special Planning of the Sewage Treatment Project in Zhongshan

  17. 城市专项规划中的几个问题

    Several problems in the urban subject planning

  18. 哈尔滨市高层建筑分布及控制专项规划研究

    Study on distribution , planning and control of high-rise buildings in the city of Harbin

  19. 城市总体规划阶段信息化专项规划研究贯彻城乡规划法推进基础设施专项规划制定

    Implementing urban and rural plan - Ning act and advancing compilation of infrastructure specialized plan

  20. 三家中国电信运营商已经制定了雄安新区的专项规划。

    Three Chinese telecom operators have set out special agendas for the Xiongan New Area .

  21. 土地整理潜力评价是制定土地整理专项规划的根本依据,同时也是划分土地整理区、确定土地整理项目和安排土地整理指标的依据。

    Evaluation of land consolidation is the fundamental basis for zoning , selecting project and determing .

  22. 贯彻科学发展观促进节能中长期专项规划的全面落实

    Implementing The Viewpoint of Scientific Development to Carry Out The Special Medium-long Item Program of Energy-saving

  23. 北京奥运行动规划体育专项规划

    Olympic Action Plan for Beijing Sports

  24. 通过《专项规划》的实施,全面提升我国应对气候变化的科技支撑能力。

    This aims to greatly enhance China 's science and technology capacity in tackling climate change .

  25. 青岛市体育设施专项规划

    Sport construction plan of Qingdao

  26. 西安市未央区基础教育设施分布专项规划研究

    The Research on the Planning of the Basic Educational Facilities Distribution in Weiyang District of Xian City

  27. 生态环境保护专项规划

    Sub-plan for Environmental Protection

  28. 区域耕地质量评价是耕地整理的基础工作,为耕地整理专项规划、耕地整理项目设计提供了科学依据。

    The research of quality criterion of cultivated land renovated is the important part of land utilization at present .

  29. 耕地整理潜力评价是选择耕地整理项目,编制土地整理专项规划的基础。

    Arable land consolidation potentiality is the basis of selecting arable land consolidation project and setting the land consolidation planning .

  30. 医疗卫生规划是一种专项规划,是近年来新出现的一种规划设计类型。

    The medical and health scheme is a kind of special planning which newly appeared a sort of planning design .