
  1. 网上市场直接调研的方法有在线调查法和专题讨论法,间接调研方法则有搜索引擎搜索、网站跟踪法;

    The direct survey methods include online method and teach-in method while indirect ones include search engine searching and site tracking method .

  2. 观察法和专题讨论法适用于探索性调研,问卷调查法适用于描述性调研,而实验法适用于因果性调研。

    While observation and focus groups are best suited for exploratory research , surveys are best suited for descriptive research and experiment for causal research .

  3. 从新的教学内容和时代挑战方面论述了“进”的依据,提出“两课”教学应该确立正确的落脚点和价值取向,并改进传统的教学方法,运用专题讨论法和现代教育技术,实现与时俱进。

    In order to realize steady advancement , we should choose right angle and value standard , improve the traditional teaching method and use the discussion on specific topic and modern teaching approach .

  4. 在确立指标的基础上,利用专题小组讨论法,对基于临床路径的医疗服务管理绩效评价指标测评点进行论证。

    On the basis of the construction of the index , we ensured the measure points for performance evaluation using focus group discussion .

  5. 采用专题小组讨论法及个人深入访谈法对结核病防治相关的管理者、医务人员进行访谈。

    Have interviews with relevant supervisors , medical personnel concerned with TB control by using methods of focus group discussion and in-depth interview ; . 2 .

  6. 为进一步探讨老年人未就诊的深层次原因,采用专题小组讨论法,对贵阳市老年人进行了定性研究。

    For exploring the reason of non seeking medical services in the aged , a focus group discussing survey was made among old people in Guiyang City .

  7. 方法运用专题小组讨论法调查了13个省、市、自治区20~60岁家庭主妇52组,共503人。

    Methods A baseline survey with Focus Group Discussion ( FGD ) was conducted among 52 groups totally 503 housewives aged 20  ̄ 60 , in 13 new project provinces .

  8. 专题小组讨论法邀请村干部、受尊重的长者、普通农民、党员对外出流动人口参加和享有合作医疗保障的障碍进行讨论分析,并提出有针对性的建议和改进措施。

    Focus-group discussion : Inviting the village cadres , the elders , the party members to analyze the limitation to carry on the discussion of the floating population participating in and enjoying the cooperative medical system , and to propose the improvement measure and advise . 4 .

  9. 采用“专题小组讨论”法对《题库》进行预试验。

    The pretest was performed by the focus group discussion .