
  • 网络Geography;World geography
  1. 我们的世界地理老师刚收到一份最新地图,它表示了最新的国家边界。vt.改进;

    Our world geography teacher has just received an upgrade map that shows the latest national boundaries .

  2. 结合世界地理教材培养学生环境意识

    Fostering Students ' Environmental Awareness in the Teaching of World Geography

  3. GIS在《世界地理》教学中的应用

    Application of Geographical Information System in Geography of World

  4. 但是由于对于大多数用户来说并不需要功能复杂、难于掌握的工具型GIS,而是满足一定工作需要的应用型GIS,所以GIS的二次开发已成为世界地理信息系统的一个新的研究领域。

    But most of the users need applied GIS adapted to certain work , not complex implemental GIS that can 't be hold easily . So further development of GIS has become a new research field .

  5. GDAL还可让编程人员在世界地理坐标(即地理参考坐标)上设计栅格数据。

    GDAL also enables programmers to project raster data onto worldwide geographical coordinates , known as georeferenced coordinates .

  6. 世界地理的教学,经常使用对比研究的方法。

    The comparative research method is often used in World Geography Teaching .

  7. 双核型空间结构模式及其在世界地理研究中的应用

    Two-core spatial structure model and its application in the research of world geography

  8. 空间数据是对现实世界地理实体的抽象。

    Spatial data is the abstract of geographical entity in the real world .

  9. 在学校里,他很喜欢学习世界地理。

    He enjoys studying world geography at school .

  10. 对面向素质教育的师专《世界地理》课程教学改革的思考

    Ideas of Reforming Teaching the World Geography in Teachers ' Colleges for Quality Education

  11. 世界地理地名教学方法探微

    Methods in Teaching World Geographical Names

  12. 高师《世界地理》教学内容与方法探索

    Exploration on the Teaching Contents and Methods of " World Geography " for Higher Normal Universities

  13. 我们的世界地理老师刚收到一份最新的地图,它标出了最新的国界。

    Our world geography teacher has just received an updated map that shows the latest national boundaries .

  14. 我们找到一本大型地图册,里面有一些世界地理的明细图。

    We found a large alas with good maps that showed details of the world 's geography .

  15. 21世纪高师地理系《世界地理》的教育观

    The Educational View of " World Geography " in the Geography Department of Teachers'University in the 21st Century

  16. 当代地理学发展与地理课程教学改革对世界地理类课程提出新要求。

    The modern development in geography and reform in geographical education have put new requirements to global geography course .

  17. 纵观世界地理版图,经济园区遍布在世界各个角落。

    Looking at the geographical map of the world , the parks spread over every corner of the world .

  18. 与之相应,世界地理的研究范式,也应该向着更为开放、更为兼容化的方向改进。

    Correspondingly , the range of world geographical study should also improve toward being more open and more compatible .

  19. 他们不仅带来了天主教,也带来了西方比较先进的世界地理知识。

    They not only brought to China the Catholic , but also many comparatively more advanced Western world geography knowledge .

  20. 欧洲人等级制世界地理观下的中国&兼论地图的思想史意义

    China in the Hierarchical European View of World Geography : with a Discussion of the Significance of Maps for Intellectual History

  21. 本文着重论述《世界地理》在教材内容、教学方法、教学理念进行改革与创新的思路。

    The present article mainly deals with some reform and creatine thinking in the content , teaching method and teaching ideas .

  22. 利玛窦在华期间刊出的《万国舆图》,综合反映了世界地理大发现的成果。

    The " Great Map of Ten Thousand Countries " which Ricci produced in China showed the geography of the modern world .

  23. 在人类世界地理疆界形成的同时,即形成了文字疆界,这也是心灵疆界。

    At the same time of forming geographic boundaries , boundaries of characters had been formed ; they were also boundaries of hearts .

  24. 本文概要地回顾了改革开放以来我国世界地理研究工作在突破旧传统、开拓新领域、阐发新观点等方面取得的成绩;

    Works of world regional studies accomplished in China during the past fifteen years since the Reform and Opening to the Outside World are reviewed in retrospect .

  25. 中亚是连接亚洲、欧洲及中东的枢纽,作为世界地理中心,它具有十分重要的战略地位。

    Central Asia is a hinge which connects Asia , Europea and Mideast . As the world geographic center , it has a very important strategic status .

  26. 另外,别指望美国人熟知世界地理或国际事务,除非这些事情直接涉及到美国。

    On the other hand , don 't expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs , unless those subjects directly involve the United States .

  27. 本文针对把《山海经》说成是世界地理书的一篇代表作,剖析了它在自然地理学方面的错误,批驳了这种观点。

    This paper analyses the natural geographical mistakes of a representative work which explains Records of Mountains and Rivers as a geographical book about the world and criticises its viewpoint .

  28. 分析当前社会结构,应加强阶段分工,深化世界地理,修订中国地理,将系统地理向高中迁移;

    When analyzing the current social structure , it is better to strengthen sectional classification , deepen the world geography , rectify china 's geography , and migrate to the senior school the systematic geography ;

  29. 世界经济地理教学中地理思维的培养

    Cultivating a Geography-oriented Approach among Students in Teaching World Economic Geography

  30. 《世界经济地理》教材建设初探

    A preliminary study on construction of the textbook on World Economic Geography