
shì dài
  • for generations;from generation to generation;generation after generation;an epoch or era;age;generations
世代 [shì dài]
  • (1) [age]∶很多年代

  • 世代隐藏的奥秘

  • (2) [generations]∶好几辈;好几代

  • 他家世代行医

  • 世代为地主耕种,家境是贫苦的。--《回忆我的母亲》

世代[shì dài]
  1. 这两个部族世代为敌。

    The two tribes feuded with each other for generations .

  2. 她们家族在这片同样的茶园生活劳作了数个世代

    that has lived and worked for generations among these same tea terraces .

  3. 有些家庭世代都支持共和党。

    Some families have been republican for generations .

  4. 他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。

    They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs .

  5. 当海员是他家世代相传的职业。

    Following the sea is the tradition of his family .

  6. 卷发在这家是世代相传的。

    Curly hair runs in the blood .

  7. 这本书世代相传。

    This book was handed down from generation to generation .

  8. 我家世代以农为业。

    I come from a long line of farmers .

  9. 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。

    Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold .

  10. 根据最近的研究,数字鸿沟是由三个主要因素造成的:阶级、性别和世代。

    According to recent studies , digital divide has been caused by three major elements : class , sex , and generation .

  11. 这些东西世代相传。

    They were passed on from generation to generation .

  12. 或许最让人担忧的数字是世代间的信任度。

    Perhaps the most worrying figure is around generational trust .

  13. 我们真的需要下一个世代能够专注在大问题上:气候改变、经济失衡、大量文化差异。

    And we really need this next generation to be able to focus on some big problems : climate change , economic disparity , massive cultural differences .

  14. 中国和尼泊尔要推动两国面向发展与繁荣的世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系不断向前发展,共同打造中尼更加紧密的命运共同体,造福两国和两国人民。

    China and Nepal should push forward their strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity , and work together to build a closer community of shared future benefitting both countries and peoples .

  15. 小范围人群,Y世代中的一小部分,生于安乐,受精英教育长大,坚信不但要追求梦想,还要靠梦想赚钱。

    In a nutshell , a slice of Generation Y , borne of suburban comfort , indoctrinated with the transcendent power of education , and infected by the conviction that not only do we deserve to pursue our dreams ; we should profit from them .

  16. 大豆F3世代同源长、圆叶植株差异的初步研究

    Preliminary study on difference of soybean NARROW-BROAD leaflet isogenous plants in f_3 generation

  17. 大豆F2代是遗传变异最丰富的世代。

    The F2 generation of soybean was a generation with abundant genetic variations .

  18. 虽然这方面的研究报道已有很多,但DNA甲基化在杂交世代间的变异规律的研究并不多见。

    Although researches in this area have been reported , but DNA methylation in the hybrid variations of inter-generational studys are rare .

  19. 本文运用内生增长模型与世代重叠模型的结合分析,试图从理论上来探讨在考虑人们遗产动机的情况下,公共养老保险制度对于经济增长率和社会福利(socialwelfare)所产生的效应。

    By an endogenous growth model and overlapping generations model , this paper analyzes the effects of public pension scheme on economic growth and social welfare .

  20. 大豆不同结荚习性品种间杂交F2世代生育期分离的趋势及不同结荚习性产量因素分析

    Correlation between growth period and growth habit and yield in f_2 generation of crosses between soybean varieties of different growth habit

  21. 在持续多代选育持久抗锈品种过程中,F4及其以后的1~2代是累积微效抗性基因的关键世代。

    F_4 and its successive generation are also the crucial generations in the process of incorporation of additive genes for stripe rust resistance .

  22. 在F2及以后世代,通过染色体C分带、原位杂交检测,选择小麦-黑麦易位系。

    Wheat-rye translocation lines were identified via C-banding and in situ hybridization ( GISH ) in hybrid F2 and later generations .

  23. 减数分裂是有性生殖物种世代交替的转折点;减数分裂不仅维持了基因组的稳定性,而且通过重组创造了遗传多样性。在减数分裂过程中,DNA复制一次后进行两次连续的细胞分裂。

    Meiosis , an essential process in sexual life cycle , is necessary not only for the maintenance of genomic stability but also for the creation of genetic diversity .

  24. QTL混合遗传模型扩展至2对主基因+多基因时的多世代联合分析

    A Joint Analysis of Multiple Generations for QTL Models Extended to Mixed Two Major Genes Plus Polygene

  25. 据Pope世代分析法估算鲢鳙群体的补充量。

    The recruitment for silver carp and bighead carp stocks is assessed by Pope cohort analysis method .

  26. 在不同群体和世代定位了一批与重要农艺性状相关的QTLs。

    Mapping a set of QTLs about important agronomic traits in different populations and generations .

  27. 采用田间接虫鉴定与室内PCR扩增,对玉米4个遗传背景,2个不同回交世代转基因材料进行了抗虫性鉴定。

    The identification of insect resistance has been made on the four backcross materials by inoculating insect eggs into leaf spindle in the field and indoor PCR .

  28. 以棉花六个品种完全双列杂交试验资料为例,分析了各组合F1和F2的基因型值、超亲优势和保持5%超亲优势的世代数。

    A worked example of six-parent diallel analysis in cotton is given for predicting F_2 genotype value , heterosis and the number of generations for each cross .

  29. 胚乳是一种三倍体组织,而且第n世代植株上产生的胚乳已是第n+1世代。因而,胚乳性状的遗传表达显然不同于二倍体性状。

    Endosperm is a triploid tissue and , for plants of generation n , is in generation n + 1 . The expression of endosperm traits is obviously different from that of diploid traits .

  30. 无性世代周期观察表明,从孢子萌发到次代分生孢子产生仅24小时。药理试验结果,该菌对小鼠毒性口服剂量LD(50)>70g/kg;

    The observation of asexual state showed that from spore germination to secondary sporulation took only 24 hours . During the asexual division of E.