
  • 网络World Day for Water;The World Water Day
  1. 这项警告于3月22日的世界水日当天发出。

    The warning comes on World Water Day , March 22nd .

  2. 联合国早在1993年就设立了世界水日。

    The UN first set aside World Water Day in1993 .

  3. 让我们使世界水日不仅仅是日历上的一个特定日子。

    Let us make World Water Day more than a date in the calendar .

  4. 因此,联合国发起了世界水日。

    That 's why the United Nations started International World Water Day ( IWWD ) .

  5. 联合国大会随即认为此项决议非常重要,并将每年的3月22日定为世界水日。

    The United Nations General Assembly decided this was important and made 22 March World Water Day .

  6. 今年的世界水日注重于“应对缺水”的主题。

    This year 's World Water Day focuses on the theme of " coping with water scarcity " .

  7. 今天在世界水日,我们还想起数百万妇女,她们走很远的路去取水。

    Today on World Water Day , we also think about the millions of women who walk great distances to fetch water .

  8. 联合国纪念世界水日的一份报告表示,污水造成的死亡人数多于其他任何形式的暴力,包括战争在内。

    A United Nations report to mark World Water Day says dirty water is killing more people than all forms of violence including war .

  9. 我鼓励每一个人把世界水日看作是重申他们承诺的另一个机会,向所有有所需求的人提供洁净安全的水。

    I urge everyone to look at World Water Day as another occasion to renew their commitment to providing clean , safe water to all who need it .

  10. 转变用水观念创新发展模式&写在2006年世界水日和中国水周之际

    Changing the Concept of Water Use Creating Development Models Especially for the " World Water Day " " China Water Week " written by the Minister of Water Conservancy

  11. 粮农组织是联合国系统内部负责今年“世界水日”的协调机构。在本次采访中,该组织总干事雅克•迪乌夫谈及这一问题。

    In this interview , Dr Jacques Diouf , Director-General of FAO , the coordinating agency within the UN system for World Water Day this year , addresses the issue .

  12. 今年世界水日的主题是“保障清洁水源,创造健康世界”,强调水资源质量和数量都面临威胁。

    The theme of this year 's World Water Day ," Clean Water for a Healthy World ", emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk .

  13. 国务卿希拉里克林顿于上周四世界水日那天公布了这份报告,国家情报委员会根据克林顿一年前提出的国家情报评估要求撰写了这份报告。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the report last Thursday on World Water Day . The National Intelligence Council wrote the report based on a National Intelligence Estimate she requested a year ago .

  14. 联合国官网称,世界水日让我们认识到了淡水资源的重要性,并呼吁大家对淡水资源进行可持续利用。要想了解水资源的重要性,人们不需要整天使用水龙头。

    The UN website says IWWD is " a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources . " On IWWD , people should not use their taps for a whole day to make us understand how important water is .