
  • 网络World wonders;Wonders of the world;Wonder
  1. 是诗人和古代历史学家的想象力把这所有的元素混合在一起制造出了世界奇观之一。

    And it was the imagination of poets and ancient historians that blended all these elements together to produce one of the World Wonders .

  2. 今天世界上的奇观,和埃及金字塔那样的古代世界奇观绝不相似。

    Today 's world wonders are never similar to the wonders of the ancient world like Egyptian Pyramids .

  3. 让我们来讨论一下世界奇观吧。

    Let 's have a discussion about the wonders of the world .

  4. 他爸爸已经带他参观了很多世界奇观。

    Her father has taken her to visit many wonders of the world .

  5. 中国的万里长城是世界奇观之一。

    The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world .

  6. 我们立即乘汽车前去,从各个角度来观察这个世界奇观。

    We motored there forthwith , and examined this wonder of the world from every angle .

  7. 数以万计的人都称这里是世界奇观。

    We 've had tens of thousands that will call us a wonder of the world .

  8. 黄山,天之骄子,国之瑰宝,世界奇观,大自然绝唱。

    Huangshan , favored , a national treasure , the world 's wonders , nature never occur again .

  9. 作品足以与其它世界奇观并驾齐驱,将成为一个上可磨灭的视觉标志。

    This is a symbol which cannot be erased once it is seen , and which can take its place among the " Wonders of the World " .

  10. 啊!我终于亲眼看到长城了。真是壮丽!难怪它被称为世界奇观之一。

    Ah , I see the Great Wall with my own eyes at last . it 's simply spectacular ! No wonder it 's called one of the wonders of the world .

  11. 1974年,农民因打井而发现的秦始皇兵马俑坑,更使它成为世界奇观。

    The vaults containing the terra cotta warriors and horses that were not discovered until 1974 when local peasants were sinking wells in the neighbourhood have further established the Qin mausoleum as a world - class wonder .

  12. 科罗拉多大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world .

  13. 科罗拉多大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders / marvels of the world .

  14. 狄安娜神殿和巴比伦空中花园名列古代世界七大奇观之中。

    The temple of Diana and the hanging gardens of Babylon were two of the seven wonders of the world in ancient times .

  15. 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。

    The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world .

  16. 金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。

    Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world .

  17. 论媒介构建的世界遗产奇观

    On Spectacle of the World Heritage Constructed by the Media

  18. 你参观过世界七大奇观吗?

    Have you visited the Seven Wonders of the world ?

  19. 大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the wonders of the natural world .

  20. 此宙斯神像也是古代世界七大奇观之一。

    This statue was one of the ancient seven wonders of the world .

  21. 在法罗斯岛上矗立着被称为古代世界七大奇观之一的灯塔。

    On Pharos stood the famous lighthouse , one of the " seven wonders of the world " .

  22. 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。在埃及大约有80座金字塔。

    The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world . There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt .

  23. 作为世界自然奇观之一,石林的独特在于其天然形成的看似像森林的喀斯特地貌。

    As'One of the World 's Natural Wonders ' , Stone Forest features natural karst stone formations that resemble a forest ;

  24. 世界七大奇观以及50个国家的约100处历史名胜和自然景观均以微缩模型展出。

    The Seven Wonders of the World and some 100 famous historical and natural sights from 50 countries are on display in miniature .

  25. 宣布完公告之后,新世界七大奇观的组织者给来自这七个国家的代表颁发了证书和纪念徽章。

    After the announcements , the New Seven Wonders of the World organizers awarded certificates and souvenir badges to representatives from the seven nations .

  26. 只有一项世界古代奇观还存在于世&现在历史爱好者们被邀请评选新七大奇观。

    Only one of the ancient wonders of the world still survives & now history lovers are being invited to choose a new list of seven .

  27. 世界七大奇观是被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。

    Seven Wonders of the world , works of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman observers as the most unusual structures of antiquity .

  28. 您置身于包括世界七大奇观在内的100处历史名胜与自然景观之中,一日便可游遍天下美景。

    Surrounded by100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the seven wonders of the world , you will easily fulfill you dream of touring around the world in a day .

  29. 世界有七大奇观;

    There are also " Seven Wonders of the World . "

  30. 这座宫殿已被誉为世界第八大奇观。

    The palace has been described as the eighth wonder of the world .