
  • 网络World No-Tobacco Day;WORLD NO-SMOKING DAY;world no tobacco day;No Smoking Day;No Tobacco Day
  1. 上周日是第22个世界无烟日。

    Last Sunday is the22nd " World No Tobacco Day " .

  2. 每年的5月31日是世界无烟日。

    World No Tobacco Day is celebrated each thirty-first of May .

  3. 为应对青少年面临的这种危险,今年世界无烟日活动的重点是下列主要理念

    In response to this threat , World No Tobacco Day2008 campaigns for a

  4. 二零一零年世界无烟日(世界不吸烟日)的主题正是关注烟草商向女性促销烟草。

    Protecting women from tobacco marketing is the theme of World No Tobacco Day2010 .

  5. 活动计划在一些国家,以庆祝世界无烟日。

    Events are planned in a number of countries to mark World No Tobacco Day .

  6. 每年5月31日为世界无烟日。

    World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world on May 31 every year .

  7. 值此世界无烟日之际,我敦促各国政府设法应对这一公共健康威胁。

    On World No Tobacco Day , I urge all Governments to address this public health threat .

  8. 1988年4月7日是第一个世界无烟日,正好和世界健康日重合。

    April 7 , 1988 was the World 's First No Tobacco Day , coinciding with World Health Day .

  9. 2010年世界无烟日的主题是“两性与烟草:关注针对女性的促销行为”。

    The theme for World No Tobacco Day2010 is gender and tobacco , with an emphasis on marketing to women .

  10. 2010年世界无烟日将对控制烟草在妇女中流行的重要性给予应有的重视。

    World No Tobacco Day2010 will give overdue recognition to the importance of controlling the epidemic of tobacco among women .

  11. 全球各地在世界无烟日(5月31日)的庆祝活动鼓励更多民众和更多国家努力实现无烟。

    Celebrations around the globe on World No Tobacco Day ( 31 May ) encourage more people and more countries to go smoke-free .

  12. 这一言论于上周日即“世界无烟日”当天发表,今年的主题是“保护青少年远离传统烟草产品和电子烟”。

    The remarks were made amid World No Tobacco Day on Sunday , with the theme of preventing teenagers from tobacco and nicotine use .

  13. 为了应对这一威胁并根据国家的行动要求,2009年世界无烟日的活动侧重于以下主要内容

    In response to this threat and the demand from countries for action , the World No Tobacco Day2009 campaign focuses on the following main message

  14. 本周日是第22个“世界无烟日”。在中国,北京、上海和广州等主要城市开展了鼓励吸烟者戒烟的活动。

    Sunday is the22nd " World No Tobacco Day " . Major Chinese cities such as Beijing , Shanghai , and Guangzhou are holding campaigns to encourage smokers to kick the habit .

  15. 尽管2010年世界无烟日运动将侧重于向妇女促销烟草的问题,但也将顾及保护男性免受烟草公司种种花招影响的需要。

    Although the World No Tobacco Day2010 campaign will focus on tobacco marketing to women , it will also take into account the need to protect boys and men from the tobacco companies'tactics .

  16. 值此世界无烟日,让我们推动进步以减少与烟草有关的死亡和加强防治其他非传染性疾病的斗争,帮助创造一个让所有人都更加健康的世界。

    On this World No Tobacco Day , let us push for progress that will cut tobacco-related deaths and enliven the battle against other non-communicable diseases , helping to create a healthier world for all .

  17. 在周三世界无烟日,世界卫生组织发起了一场名为“吸烟害命,不要被骗”的活动,谴责烟草公司在电影、音乐和体育中作赞助和广告。

    In a campaign entitled " Tobacco Kills-Don 't Be Duped " for World No Tobacco Day on Wednesday , the organisation criticised the sponsorship , and advertising of tobacco in films , music and sports .

  18. 挪威、泰国和乌拉圭常驻联合国代表团于5月31日世界无烟日在纽约联合国总部举办了一次午餐会,庆祝《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》。

    On World No Tobacco Day ( 31 May ), the Permanent Missions of Norway , Thailand and Uruguay to the United Nations hosted a luncheon at United Nations headquarters in New York to celebrate the WHO FCTC .

  19. 世界无烟日是一个健康意识日,全年组织了许多世界其他由世卫组织,包括世界精神卫生日,世界艾滋病日和世界献血者日,等等。

    World Tobacco Day is one of many other world health awareness days throughout the year organized by the WHO , including World Mental Health Day , World AIDS Day , and World Blood Donor Day , among others .

  20. 世界卫生大会于1987年设定了世界无烟日。

    The World Health Assembly established the event in nineteen eighty-seven .

  21. 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)选择“世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约”作为2011年5月31日(星期二)下一个世界无烟日的主题。

    The World Health Organization ( WHO ) selects " The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control " as the theme of the next World No Tobacco Day , which will take place on Tuesday , 31 May2011 .