
  • 网络acrylic paint
  1. 丙烯酸涂料基料的裂解色质谱分析

    Pyrolysis GC-mass analysis of acrylic paint binder

  2. 描述:哑光丙烯酸涂料,具有优异的耐擦洗性,容易将表面的污渍清洗干净,保持漆膜亮丽如新。

    Description : Matt acrylic paint , with excellent scrub resistance , easy to clean surface stains and maintain the film bright as new .

  3. 超临界CO2为溶剂型丙烯酸涂料快挥发性溶剂喷涂的初步研究

    Elementary Study on Solvent Based Acrylic Acid Coating Spraying Using Supercritical CO_2 as Quick Volatile Solvent

  4. 受福建东海漆业有限公司委托,开发丙烯酸涂料的超临界CO2喷涂。

    Entrusted by Fujian Donghai Coating Company we exploit supercritical CO_2 spraying of acrylic acid coating .

  5. 通过改性丙烯酸涂料的冲击强度从原来的30kg·cm提高到50kg·cm,耐磨性提高了20%,拉伸强度提高了800%。

    As a result , impact strength of acrylic resin is increase to 50 kg · cm from 30 kg · cm , anti-abrasion is increase by 20 % , and strain strength is increased by 800 % .

  6. 研究了添加轻钙、未改性纳米CaCO3、改性纳米CaCO3及其用量对丙烯酸涂料流变性的影响,结果表明,该体系的流动特性均符合Casson模型;

    The effects of adding light calcium carbonate , unmodified nano-CaCO_3 , modified nano-CaCO_ ( 3 ) into the acrylic coatings and its dosage on the rheological property were studied . The results showed that the rheological property of this system conformed to the Casson model .

  7. 水溶性丙烯酸涂料的环氧树脂改性研究

    Improving the funtion of water-solubile acrylic coating by adding epoxy resins

  8. 介质对氨基-丙烯酸涂料的潜催化剂分解速度的影响

    Media effects on decomposition rate of latent catalyst for Amino-acrylic coatings

  9. 远红外固化水溶性丙烯酸涂料

    Solidified water soluble acrylic resin paint baked by far infrared

  10. 纳米碳酸钙复合丙烯酸涂料的流变性

    Rheological property of nanometer calcium carbonate composite acrylic coatings

  11. 塑料用快干丙烯酸涂料研究

    Study on Quick - dry Acrylic Coating for Plastic

  12. 环氧及丙烯酸涂料在航空仪表上的应用

    Applications of epoxy and acrylic coatings in aeronautic instrument

  13. 水溶性脲醛树脂涂料非水分散丙烯酸涂料

    Water soluble urea resin coating non-aqueous dispersion acrylic coating

  14. 蒙脱石/十八烷基三甲基铵复合物在丙烯酸涂料中的应用机理研究

    Study on the application mechanism of montmorillonite / alkylammonium complexes in crylic coating

  15. 高性能含氟丙烯酸涂料的研制

    Development of High Performance Fluorine - Containing Acrylic Coatings

  16. 氨基树脂交联热固性丙烯酸涂料

    Amino resin cured thermosetting acrylic coatings

  17. 非水分散丙烯酸涂料膨润土/聚丙烯酸高吸水材料制备及改性

    Non-aqueous dispersion acrylic coating Synthesis and Modification of Bentonite / Polyacrylic Acid Composite with High Water Absorbency

  18. 丙烯酸涂料具有涂层色浅、保光、保色、耐候、耐腐蚀、抗老化等特点;

    The acrylate coating exhibits good chemical resistance , weather resistance , light maintenance , color maintenance .

  19. 聚酯丙烯酸涂料的研究

    Study on Ployester-Acrylic Paint

  20. 饱和聚酯与聚丙烯酸酯复合树脂涂料,兼具丙烯酸涂料和聚酯涂料的特性。

    Abstract The saturated polyester / acrylic compound resin has the characteristics from both polyester and acrylic resins .

  21. 介绍了水性丙烯酸涂料的设计思路、生产工艺、施工固化条件。

    The formulation design , production technology , and curing conditions of the water-borne acrylic coatings are introduced .

  22. 8652丙烯酸涂料为装饰防腐涂料中最佳者,是我国涂料的新品种。

    8652 Acrylic Coating is one of the best coatings for decoration and corrosion , which is quite new in our country .

  23. 第三代产品丙烯酸涂料,环保产品,无毒、无害,耐久性达5年左右。

    Third generation product : A crylic-acid coating , it is environmental protection product , nontoxic and innoxious and its durability can last for 5 years .

  24. 另一个不寻常的景观在湖的东岸:救世军山一个由混凝土和手工混制的泥砖堆砌的100英尺的山,上面覆盖着丙烯酸涂料。

    Another unusual sight near the lake 's eastern shore is Salvation Mountain , a100ft-high hill of concrete and hand-mixed adobe , covered with acrylic paint .

  25. 介绍喷涂电视机,收录机塑料壳所用丙烯酸涂料的性能,溶剂的选用,塑料壳基材消除应力措施和喷涂工艺条件,以及塑料壳涂层的缺陷和补救办法。

    This paper introduces the properties , the solvent selection and the spraying technology of acrylic coating for TV and tape recorder plastic cases , and the stress reducing methods of the plastic cases as well as the coating defects of plastic cases and their remedial measures .

  26. UV固化丙烯酸粉末涂料用树脂的合成

    Synthesis of Resin for UV Curing Acrylic Powder Coatings

  27. UV固化丙烯酸粉末涂料的制备

    Preparation of UV Curing Acrylic Powder Coatings

  28. 以TDI三聚体为固化剂的丙烯酸聚氨酯涂料

    TDI Trimer cured acrylic / polyurethane coatings

  29. GMA类丙烯酸粉末涂料流变性能的研究

    Study on Rheological Properties of GMA-type Acrylic Powder Coating

  30. 用钛酸酯偶联剂将纳米TiO2粒子进行表面改性后,加入到内墙涂料中,对普通的丙烯酸乳胶涂料进行改性。

    Modified with titanate coupling agent , nano TiO2 particles can remarkably increase the wet scrub resistance and pencil hardness of crylic-acid latex dope .