
  • 网络performance shares;performance stock
  1. 本周一发布的这项调查结果显示,51%的受调查公司使用业绩股票作为给CEO的奖赏,高于前一年的47%和2011年的41%。

    The study , released Monday , shows performance shares were used as CEO rewards by 51 % of companies surveyed last year , up from 47 % the previous year and 41 % in 2011 .

  2. 业绩股票是只有在高管达到某些公司级的业绩目标时才会获赠的公司股票。

    Performance shares are company stock given to managers only if they meet certain company-wide performance targets .

  3. 业绩股票激励是股权激励的一种形式,在我国上市公司中广泛应用。

    As a kind of ownership incentive , performance-based stock is widely applied through the Chinese listed companies .

  4. 业绩股票激励机制就是一个剩余索取权如何分配的制度,即激励主体根据一定的业绩指标,向激励对象分配一定数额的剩余。

    In the performance-based stock incentive mechanism , the residual claims is assigned to the incentive object by the incentive subject , basing on the performance .

  5. 智力资源资本化的方法有很多,目前以年薪制和股权激励为主,其中股权激励方法包括业绩股票、股票增值权、股票期权等。

    There are many methods of intellect resource capitalization , the most popular are the system of yearly-paid salary and stock option incentive including PS , SARS and ESO etc.

  6. 苹果公司提高了股票奖励中业绩股票的比例,如果公司表现优于标准普尔500指数,这将提高公司高管的潜在收益。

    Apple has increased the proportion of performance shares in its equity awards , which boosts potential future earnings for the executives if the company outperforms its S & P 500 peers .

  7. 本文使用横截面修正的Jones模型研究了配股公司盈余管理的时间序列分布特征,并分析了异常应计利润与配股后运营业绩和股票长期收益的关系。

    This paper examines the time-series distribution of earnings management around the offerings based on the cross-sectional version of the modified Jones model , and studies the association between discretionary accruals and post offering earnings and long-run stock return .

  8. 相对业绩、股票再发行与盈余管理的群体行为

    Relative Performance , Seasoned Equity Offerings and Herd Behaviors of Earnings Management

  9. 普通的观点都是我国公司业绩与股票价格的相关性不高,存在着严重的投机现象。

    There is a general viewpoint which is our stock market has a low correlations , it also has serious speculate behaviors .

  10. 在西方成熟的股票市场中,人们通过财务指标分析大多得出上市公司业绩与股票价格之间存在显著的正相关关系的结论。

    The relationship between the performance of the listed company and the stock price is prominent positive relevant in Western stock market .

  11. 然而,对经营业绩和股票报酬率的描述性统计分析却显示中国资本市场的弱式有效性。

    However , the descriptive statistical analysis on the business performance and the stock return shows the weak efficiency of the capital market in China .

  12. 但是,长期来看,主要还是公司的业绩决定股票价格的上涨、下降或是横走。

    Over the long term , though , it is mainly company earnings that determine whether a stock 's price will go up , down , or sideways .

  13. 本文建立了一个模型来分析股权再融资过程中盈余管理产生的机理,分析了盈余管理与配股后运营业绩和股票长期收益的关系。

    A module is set up to analyze surplus management mechanism during further offering of shares and the relation between surplus management and performance result after right issues and long-term profit .

  14. 本文通过获取、分析巴基斯坦资本市场中业绩最佳股票的年度报表来判断公司报告的运营情况和市场价值间的关系。

    The published data in the form of annual reports was taken and analyzed to determine the link between the reported performance and its associated market value for top performing stocks of Pakistani capital market .

  15. 公司的业绩对股票也产生影响,公司的业绩使其股票价与大市股票分道扬镳。

    The business performance of a company can influence the stock price , in that it makes its stock price go in contrary directions to most of the stock prices in the large stock market .

  16. 如果成长型证券投资基金的业绩超越股票指数的业绩,但这种差异没有得到统计检验证明,说明成长型证券投资基金的投资风格对基金的业绩有影响,但是不显著;

    If the result of research shows that the performance of the growing mutual fund can exceed the performance of stock index , but the difference isn 't proved by T-test , that express the investment style of mutual fund is affect investment performance , but no obviously .

  17. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)CEO高曼(JamesGorman)未获得现金红利,但归功于他2009年获得的延期支付并与业绩挂钩的股票,他仍可在离职时拿到近900万美元的基于股票的报酬。

    James Gorman , Morgan Stanley CEO , received no cash bonus but still could walk away with stock-based compensation valued at nearly $ 9 million , thanks to deferred and performance-based stock he received for 2009 .

  18. 上市公司业绩预告与股票收益率的经验研究

    An Empirical Analysis of Listed Companies'Performance Forecast and Stock Returns

  19. 河南省上市公司的业绩评价和股票收益分析

    The Evaluation of Achievement and the Analysis of Stock Earnings of the Listed Companies in Henan Province

  20. 在评价我国股票发行监管制度的有效性时,从首次发行新股公司上市前后业绩变化和股票发行市场违法犯罪案例两个方面进行了实证分析。

    Thirdly , the paper evaluates the validity of China 's regulation system of new stock issue from two aspects .

  21. 第二部分是业绩指标与股票价格的回归分析,进一步分析每一年能够对股票价格产生影响的指标及其变化情况。

    The second part is Regression analysis , for researching the change of the indexes which can affect the stock prices .

  22. 对投资者来说,收益有保障,可以分享发行公司业绩增长和股票价格的上涨带来的转股收益,还可以规避一些政策限制。

    Investing convertible bond can have an income guarantee , share achievement of issuing company and the rising of the stock price .

  23. 如果奖金和股票激励计划的业绩标准与股票表现挂钩,这种诱惑将尤为强烈。

    Where performance criteria for bonuses and stock incentive schemes are related to the behaviour of the stock , such temptation is acute .

  24. 要综合分析的,比较麻烦,而且不是业绩好的股票就一定会涨。

    Want integration analysis , more troublesome , and not be the stock with good outstanding achievement rises with respect to regular meeting .

  25. 在香港,至少有5家中国内地企业未能赶在3月30日的最后期限之前提交年度业绩,导致股票停牌。

    In Hong Kong , at least five Chinese companies failed to file annual results before a March 30 deadline , prompting stock suspensions .

  26. 经理业绩评价对股票期权激励效率的影响我国上市公司股票期权激励制度与实际绩效实证分析

    Relation Between Incentive Efficiency of Stock Options and Job Evaluation of Managers An Empirical Research on the Shareholding Motivation Effect of Chinese Listed Companies

  27. 羊群行为同时也会带来动量效应和反转效应,动量效应是指过去业绩好的股票会继续表现好,而业绩不好的股票其表现也将持续不好。

    The herd behavior also has brought the momentum effect and the reversal effect . The momentum effect means the outstanding achievement of the stock will continue .

  28. 基金经理也会在每个季度的末尾盛装打扮各自的投资组合,买入业绩优良的股票,让所持股票的阵容看上去更漂亮。

    Fund managers , too , often dress up their portfolios at the end of each quarter , buying good performers to make their holdings appear prettier .

  29. 他们说尽管市场已建立严格的政策作为警告,但与此同时政策也会对其它业绩出色的股票产生积极影响。

    They say although the stringent policy has been set up as a warning in the market , at the same time , it also will have a positive impact on other stocks with good performances .

  30. 本文的实证分析主要分为两部分,第一部分是上市公司业绩指标与股票价格的相关性检验,研究2005年至2009年公司业绩与股票价格的相关性及其变化情况,同时根据变化情况进行比较分析。

    The empirical analysis in this article has two aspects , in the first part , I process a correlation test between the indexes and the stock prices , for researching the change of the correlation from 2005 to 2009 .