
  • 网络Tokyo Medical University;tokyo medical college
  1. 《读卖新闻》报道称,大约从2011年开始,东京医科大学就一直篡改女生入学考试成绩来限制学医女生的数量。

    The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Tokyo Medical University had manipulated the entrance exam results of women since about 2011 to keep the female student population low .

  2. 美联社从东京医科大学获得的录取记录显示,通过入学考试的女性比例从2009年的24%上升到2010年的38%。

    Admissions records released to the Associated Press by the school show the percentage of women who passed the entrance exam rose from 24 % in 2009 to 38 % in 2010 .

  3. 据《读卖新闻》报道,东京医科大学通过篡改考试成绩来让更多女生落选,从而将每个班的女生比例限制在30%左右。

    According to the Yomiuri Shimbun , the Tokyo school started to restrict the proportion of women in each class to about 30 % by manipulating test scores thereby failing more women .

  4. 这一指控是在东京医科大学调查另外一起丑闻时浮出水面的。在这起丑闻中,前校长被指控为了做人情招收了一位教育部高级官员的儿子入学。

    The allegation surfaced during the university 's investigation of a separate scandal in which its former director was accused of granting admission to the son of a senior education bureaucrat in exchange for a favour .