
dōnɡ àn
  • The East Coast;east coast/bank
  1. 绵延10英里的浮油已经到达了普利茅斯东岸。

    Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Plymouth

  2. 第二天早晨,一丝风都没有,我们距离岛的东岸还有半英里。

    Next morning , there was no wind and we were half a mile from the eastern coast of the island .

  3. 黑潮无分支,它在台湾岛东南海域由东南向西北偏北向流,到达台湾岛附近转向东北,位于123°E以西,沿着台湾岛东岸由南向北流。

    There is no branch of the Kuroshio . The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows from the southeast to the northwest until reaching near Taiwan Island , and then flows northward west of 123 ° E ;

  4. 利用低潮位陆地卫星TM影像对胶州湾东岸碱厂白水分布与扩散进行监测。

    By interpreting the Landsat TM image during low tide level , the distribution and diffusion of white-water from Alkaline Factory on east coast of the Jiaozhou Bay was monitored .

  5. 日本西岸的海表高度变化是由东岸的黑潮延伸体的遥强迫产生的,边界Kelvin波推动了这种联系。

    The sea level variability along the west coast of Japan is remotely forced by the Kuroshio Extension off the east coast . Boundary Kelvin waves facilitate the connection .

  6. 其中麻粒岩主要出露于佛坪县城南约500m河东岸,呈条带状和透镜状产出,其矿物组成以透辉石、斜长石、角闪石、黑云母及石榴子石为主。

    The granulite facie rock shows lenticulars , mainly outcrops at about 500 meters to the town , east of river . The major minerals of these rocks are diopside , plagioclase , hornblende , biotite and garnet .

  7. 珠江三角洲东岸蛇口(shekou)和赤湾(chiwan)的大型集装箱码头扩建项目,以及同一地区巨型大铲湾(dachanbay)新港口的建设,带来了新的威胁。

    The new threat results from major container port expansion programmes at Shekou and Chiwan on the East Bank of the Pearl River Delta in Shenzhen and construction of a huge new port at Da Chan Bay in the same region .

  8. 文章假定东进的Kelvin波可能被太平洋东岸反射为西进的Rossby波,导出了反射必要的海洋热力条件。

    By assuming that the eastward equatorial Kelvin waves can be reflected by the east bank of the Pacific and turn into westward Rossby waves , the necessary oceanic thermodynamic conditions for this mechanism are derived in the present paper .

  9. 越南东岸外海断面的混合层平均深度(27m左右)深于珠江口外海断面(17.5m左右);

    The average depth of mixed layer at the section off the eastern Vietnam coast ( about 27m deep ) was larger than that at the Zhujiang River mouth ( about 17.5m deep ) .

  10. 美国由于幅员广大,除了东岸如纽约市等地窄人稠的都市外,大家平日都开车,因此“drive-thru”的饮食文化也格外地受欢迎。

    The U.S. is a huge country , almost everyone drives on weekdays , except for those who live in the east coast area which is samll but densely populated , like the New York city , therefore , " drive-thru " culture becomes particularly welcome .

  11. 读于美国东岸标准时间上午10:45。

    READING Time of Reading 10:45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time .

  12. 滇池东岸暴雨径流特征分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Storm Runoff of East Side of Dianchi Lake

  13. 从美国东岸到西岸。

    Between the East and the west coast of the United states .

  14. 南美洲东岸的共和国。

    A republic on the east coast of South America .

  15. 那个村庄坐落在德文特河的东岸。

    The village lies on the East Bank of the river derwent .

  16. 东岸改善环境,西岸发展经济。

    East bank improve environment quality , west bank promote economy development .

  17. 赫尔这个城市就坐落在亨伯河的东岸边上。

    Jo : So Hull is on the east coast of Britain .

  18. 胶州湾东岸开发利用规划构思

    Planning assumption of exploitation and utilization of east coast of jiao-zhou Bay

  19. 陶尔米纳,位于东岸,墨西拿南方,正在与墨西拿打仗。

    Taormina , on east coast south of Messina , fighting Messina .

  20. 不,我从东岸出发。

    No , I 'll depart from the East coast .

  21. 1999年来到马里兰州东岸。

    It came to the eastern shore of Maryland in1999 .

  22. 凯蒂:我想进常春藤联盟!我真喜欢东岸!

    Candy : I want to go to an Ivy League school !

  23. 真的,无论如何我得要去东岸。

    Really . I have to be on the east coast anyway .

  24. 莱州湾东岸的地貌发育

    Development of geomorphology on the eastern coast of Laizhou gulf , Shandong

  25. 抚仙湖东岸海镜&居乐段污染控制与湖滨带生态修复工程

    Contamination Control and Aquatic-terrestrial Ecological Restoration of Eastern Beach of Fuxian Lake

  26. 我担心的不是东岸。

    It is not the eastern shore that worries me .

  27. 东岸热疫苗生产和质量管制项目

    East Coast Fever Vaccine Production and Quality Control Project

  28. 燃煤电厂输煤控制系统的设计与优化航运公会东岸煤炭运输租约

    Design and Optimization of the Control System of Power Plant Coal Transported System

  29. 在东岸克罗默和多佛之间的某处。

    ( 5 ) Somewhere on the east coast between Cromer and Dover .

  30. 东岸受益于百慕大高气压团。

    The east coast benefits from a Bermuda high .