
  • 网络Personal Housing Portfolio Loan;individual combined housing loans
  1. 个人住房抵押组合贷款模型分析

    Study on the Combined Housing Mortgage Loan Model

  2. 为此,试图建立一个考虑居民收入增长的个人住房抵押组合贷款理论模型,通过该理论模型可以确定合理的贷款期限以及各年的还本付息额。

    To study the combined housing mortgage loan , we established a theory model for it . Through this model , we can work out the term of loan , the repayment of capital and interest every year .

  3. 从目前我国住房金融发展的实际情况来看,个人住房贷款业务主要有三种形式:其一是政策性个人住房贷款,其二是商业性个人住房贷款,其三是个人住房组合贷款。

    According to the current situation of housing banking development in China , the activities of personal real estate loans fall into three major forms : one of them is personal real estate loan supported by policy ; the other is commercial personal real estate loan .