
  • 网络CDMP;China Bone Marrow Bank;chinese marrow donor program
  1. 方法:实验于2000-08/2004-03在深圳市血液中心完成。供者和受者114对的血样分别来源中华骨髓库和各移植医院,供者和受者均签署知情同意书。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted in Shenzhen Blood Center from August 2002 to March 2004 . Blood samples of 114 donors and patients who had subscribed a consent form came from Chinese Bone Marrow Bank and associated hospitals , respectively .

  2. 中华(上海)骨髓库北方人群HLA多态性调查

    Investigation on the HLA Polymorphism of North China Population in Shanghai Bone Marrow Bank

  3. 方法应用PCR-SSP技术、结合上海自行设计的基因分型格局,检测中华(上海)骨髓库江浙沪汉族人群HLAA、B、DR基因多态性及其频率分布特征。

    Methods Using PCR ˉ SSP technology , with gene cent type structure and form designed in Shanghai , examine the polymorphism of HLA-A , B , DR antigens , and their frequency distribution .

  4. 调查中华(上海)骨髓库北方人群HLA多态性及其频率分布特征。用微量淋巴细胞毒试验检测11995名无关供者HLA-A、B抗原,并用PCR-SSP和反向PCR-SSOP技术对疑难标本进行复检。

    To investigate the HLA polymorphism of north China population in Shanghai bone marrow bank , the HLA-A and HLA-B antigens of 11 995 of unrelated donors were detected by micro-lymphocyte cytotoxicity test ( MLT ) , and the ambiguous cases were re-checked by PCR-SSP and reverse PCR-SSOP .