
  1. 两种语言的人称性别名词都有标记颠倒和中和的现象。

    Markedness reversals and neutralization occur to personal gender nouns in both languages .

  2. 奇特的半中和平衡现象

    A Funny Phenomenon - Half-neutralization Equilibrium

  3. 通过对鲜见报道的半中和酸碱平衡现象的深入讨论,揭示了相关三组分等浓度或等含量共存平衡的充分必要条件及相应的配制方法;

    By discussion about a half-neutralization in an acid-base equilibrium , we reveal how the three connected species of acid system can coexist in solution with equal concentrations or percent of its conjugate base , and offer the method of preparation for this solution .