
  • 【生态】Chinese traditional agriculture
  1. 目的稻-鸭生态种养技术是中国传统农业的精华,研究其减排CH4的效果,为进一步开发利用这一经典农艺提供理论基础和实践依据。

    【 Objective 】 The rice-duck ecological system is one of the cream practices from the traditional Chinese agriculture . Study on the effect of reducing methane-emission of this practice could provide theoretical and practical basis for further development and utilization of this classical agricultural technique .

  2. 吸收引进西方先进的农业科学技术,振兴中国传统农业。

    Absorbing advanced agriculture science and skill from the West .

  3. 论中国传统农业的效率空间及相关问题

    Efficiency Space of Chinese Traditional Agriculture and the Relative Issues

  4. 中国传统农业生态思想研究

    The Research of Chinese Traditional Agriculture Ecological Thought

  5. 论中国传统农业的生态化实践

    On Ecological Practice of Chinese Traditional Agriculture

  6. 试析中国传统农业文化对苏轼文化品格的影响&从《前赤壁赋》看

    The Analysis of the Influence of Agricultural Culture of China on SU Shi 's Literary Works

  7. 而中国传统农业文化的变迁和转型研究,则是一个新的课题。

    Study on the change and transition of traditional Chinese agricultural civilization is a new topic .

  8. 中国传统农业文化转型研究

    Primitive Agriculture Culture in Helan Mountain Cliff Carving Study on the Transition of Traditional Chinese Agricultural Civilization

  9. 传统文化大众化中国传统农业文化与农村发展

    The popularization of Chinese traditional culture A Discussion of Economic and Cultural Development of a New Countryside

  10. 中国传统农业社会不能产生异质的社会组织和文化形态。

    China 's society featuring traditional agriculture is incapable of generating heterogeneous fabric of society and cultural forms .

  11. 近代中国传统农业转型问题的探索&基于农业机械化的视角

    Study on the Transition of Chinese Traditional Agriculture in Modern Time : Based on the Angle of Agricultural Mechanization

  12. 唐五代敦煌绿洲农业以灌溉为主、农牧并重,具有中国传统农业多元交汇的特点。

    The oasis agriculture in Dunhuang area during Tang and Five Dynasties has the characteristics of the Chinese traditional agriculture .

  13. 相对于欧、美传统农业,中国传统农业最大的特点是过密化。

    Compared with European and American traditional agriculture , the largest characteristic of Chinese traditional agriculture was ' the Involution ' .

  14. 这自然会促进中国传统农业向现代农业的转化,推动中国农业现代化的进程。

    It would promote Chinese traditional agriculture to become the modern one , and push forward the course of Chinese agricultural modernization .

  15. 介绍了有机农业的起源与内涵,比较了有机农业与中国传统农业的联系与区别,并提出了促进我国有机农业发展的建。

    The origin and connotation of organic agriculture and the relations and differences between organic agriculture and Chinese traditional agriculture are introduced .

  16. 北京本土文化最显著的特征是都城文化,它曾经是中国传统农业文化的代表。

    The distinct feature of Beijing native Culture is the capital culture , which was the representation of Chinese traditional agricultural culture .

  17. 精耕细作不但是中国传统农业的特征,而且成为中国历史发展的一个基因。

    Intensive Cultivation is not only the characteristic of traditional Chinese Agriculture , but also the " gene " of development of Chinese history .

  18. 中国传统农业文化研究是近年来开辟的一个领域,产生了一些相应的研究积累和成果。

    Study on traditional Chinese agricultural civilization is a study field developed in recent years , and there have appeared some study accumulation and achievement .

  19. 中国传统农业生态思想即内在于农业思想这个母体。当前,遵循科学发展观,构建和谐社会,已成为全国人民的共识和心声。

    Presently , start with the scientific development view , and constructed the harmonious society , has become whole nation 's mutual recognition and the aspiration .

  20. 在中国传统农业社会中,完善的中央集权政体及其制度,能使统治者将经济管理的触角深入到社会经济生活的各个角落。

    In Chinese conventional agricultural society , perfect concentration of state power and system makes rulers ' power of controlling economic resources spread all aspects of society .

  21. 同时,此时期的农业转型也为中国传统农业的现代转型奠定了可持续发展的基础格局。

    At the same time , the agricultural transformation of this period also laid the foundation for sustainable development pattern for the contemporary transformation of Chinese traditional agriculture .

  22. 大豆不仅为中华民族的繁衍、发展提供了优良的蛋白质,而且还为中国传统农业的可持续发展提供了良好的地力基础。

    Soybean provides not only excellent protein for the reproduction and development of the Chinese nation , but good-based soil fertility for sustainable development of Chinese traditional agriculture .

  23. 中国传统农业在天人合一思想引导下,坚持天地人物的协调与统一,农业生产实践具有明显的生态化取向。

    Chinese traditional agriculture follows the idea of integration of Nature and Human being , insists on harmony and unification of Nature , Land , Human , Substance .

  24. 在特殊的历史地理环境中,植根于中国传统农业社会的福建商业经济一直不断加强着与海内外的联系。

    Due to the special historical and geographical environments , the trade in Fujian , stemming from the traditional agriculture economy of China , had been kept in close contact with oversea .

  25. 珀金斯教授认为,中国传统农业有一个基本特征,即在技术停滞的条件下靠投入大量的劳动力和资本,才导致粮食产量的提高。

    Prof. Perkins thought that it was a basic character of Chinese traditional agriculture that improvement of food production depended on the large input of labor and expense when without the technical improvement .

  26. 五是,对继承和利用中国传统农业技术的必要性和可能性进行分析,并提出传统农业科技的继承与利用的方式。

    Fifthly , this paper analyzes the necessity and possibility of inheriting and using the Chinese traditional agricultural technology , and puts forward the traditional agriculture science and technology to inherit and use way .

  27. 总之,中国传统农业在近代已经面临危机,改造传统农业势在必行。兼业农户对农业技术的需求或偏好代表了农业新技术的发展方向。

    One way to rebuilding Chinese traditional agriculture was introducing into advanced agricultural technology from developed countries . The technical demands and favorites of part-time cotton fanners represent the orientation of advanced agricultural technology .

  28. 本文首先深刻分析了农业现代化的内涵,并就国内外不同的农业现代化模式以及中国传统农业与发达国家技术、资金集约型农业进行了比较。

    The thesis analyzes the connotation of agricultural modernization by comparing different modes of agricultural modernization home and abroad as well as comparing the traditional Chinese agriculture with the technology-fund intensive agriculture of developed countries .

  29. 对土壤肥料科学在中国传统农业中的地位和作用,以及福建省的人口、粮食、土地利用的现状进行了回顾和分析。

    The fundamental position and role of soil science in the traditional agriculture in China and the present status of population , food production and land use in Fujian were reviewed and analysed in this paper .

  30. 本文对国内外生态农业的概念及内容进行了比较研究:我国的生态农业的特点是将现代的农业科技与中国传统农业技术精华有机的融合在一起。

    The thesis compares the concept and content of ecological agriculture home and abroad , our ecological agriculture is distinct for its absorbing modern agricultural science , meanwhile , inheriting and carrying on the essence of traditional agriculture .