
  1. 想举例说明中国地产市场处于危险之中?

    Want an example to show that the Chinese property market is in danger ?

  2. 最后,对于目前一些关于中国地产市场热点、争议问题进行了分析与解释。

    At last , analyses and defecate the hotspots and disputes about the real estate in China .

  3. 中国地产市场的问题严重性在于,房地产市场泡沫会带来巨大的金融风险,同时对实体经济造成难以弥补的损害。

    It is the financial risk it poses and the damage it could cause to the economy .

  4. 受今年人民币升值期望大的推动,很多境外机构投资商在中国地产市场的投资猛增。

    BEIJING-China 's property market has seen soaring investment from foreign institutional investors , driven by strong expectations of renminbi appreciation this year .

  5. 上述举措出台之际,适逢外资对中国地产市场的兴趣已经消退,原因是金融危机和世界各地房产泡沫破灭。

    It also comes at a time when foreign interest in the Chinese market has dried up because of the financial crisis and the bursting of property bubbles across the world .

  6. 前摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席亚洲经济学家、现居上海的谢国忠(AndyXie)表示:中国房地产市场是一个巨大的泡沫。

    China 's property market is a massive bubble , says Andy Xie , former Morgan Stanley chief Asian economist , based in Shanghai .

  7. 中端市场也同样活跃:过去10天里,巴克莱私人股本投资公司(barclaysprivateequity)完成了三项投资,而百仕通(blackstone)则刚刚达成了针对中国房地产市场的首项重大投资。

    Mid-market is similarly active : Barclays private equity completed three investments in the past 10 days and Blackstone has just agreed a deal to make its first significant investment in the Chinese property market .

  8. 通过基于ECM模型的线性Granger因果检验,发现中国房地产市场的发展与金融市场的发展在长期和短期都存在着双向线性因果关系,它们具有一定程度的共生性。

    Then the linear Granger Causality to ECM is tested . And we find that there is bilateral linear Granger Causality between the real estate market and financial market in China . model .

  9. 寻找新的适合中国房地产市场实际情况的模式,未来的房地产企业必将竞争力大大增强,在WTO规则下的国际宏观市场中做大做强。

    We are looking for the new mode which is suitable for the actual conditions of Chinese real estate market . Then future real estate enterprises will have stronger competitiveness , they can become bigger and more powerful in the international macroscopic market and under the WTO rules .

  10. 中国的地产市场非常不透明,而这个名流集聚的董事会,可能帮助Winnington减少潜在客户的相关担忧。

    The star-studded board may help Winnington to allay potential client concerns about China 's rather opaque property market .

  11. 全明星投资联合创始人季卫东(RichardJi)表示,他在途家模式中看到了很大潜力,因为中国房地产市场日渐疲软,这意味着会有更多可供租赁的房屋。“租赁房源会源源不断,”他说。

    Richard Ji , a co-founder of All-Stars Investment , said he saw potential in the Tujia model because a weakening property market in China means there are more rooms available to rent . " There 's a deep pipeline of room supply , " he said .

  12. 据地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)称,今年第一季度,中国商业地产市场的总投资规模为30亿美元,较上年同期下降18%。

    Overall , investment in China 's commercial real-estate markets totaled $ 3 billion in the first quarter of this year , down 18 % from the same period a year earlier , according to Jones Lang LaSalle , a property consultancy .

  13. 中国房地产市场发展的历史路径

    Historical Tunnel of the Development of the Chinese Real Estate Market

  14. 尽管如此,中国房地产市场走弱的势头仍很明显。

    And yet China 's property market is clearly weakening .

  15. 美国次贷危机及其对中国房地产市场的影响

    Sub-loan Crisis of America and Its Effects to Chinese Real Estate Market

  16. 流入中国房地产市场的资金很大一部分来自国内。

    Much of the money going into Chinese real estate is Chinese .

  17. 中国房地产市场总体上没有多少泡沫

    Generally No Much Foam in China 's Real Estate Market

  18. 透视2006年中国房地产市场

    An Insight into China 's Real Estate Market in 2006

  19. 曾经炙手可热的中国房地产市场正遭遇坎坷。

    China 's once buoyant property market is facing some rough sailing .

  20. 树品牌,促进中国房地产市场的发展

    Tree Brand , Promote the Development of China 's Real Estate Market

  21. 中国房地产市场的泡沫仍未爆破,但迟早会的

    China 's bubbly property markets have not burst . Yet

  22. 中国房地产市场的投机行为分析

    Analysis on some Speculation Behavior in Chinese Estate Market

  23. 我们对中国房地产市场感到放心。

    We are comfortable with real estate in China .

  24. 成都和重庆等地的地产市场有过热的迹象.地产泡沫预警模型对于防范地产泡沫的发生,促进中国房地产市场的健康发展具有重要意义。

    This model is important to China real estate market 's healthy development .

  25. 那么,中国房地产市场究竟有没有泡沫?

    So is there a bubble in the Chinese property market or not ?

  26. 中国房地产市场上最近出现了一些耸人听闻的看法。

    The Chinese property market has seen its share of scare stories recently .

  27. 中国房地产市场的政治斗争很可能会变得更加险恶。

    The politics of China 's property market could easily become more treacherous .

  28. 中国房地产市场结构和价格影响因素的实证分析

    An Analysis of Real Estate Market Structure and Price

  29. 境外资本流入中国房地产市场的影响与对策

    The Influence and Countermeasure Of Foreign Capital Influx into Chinese Real Estate Market

  30. 在多年投资驱动的热潮之后,中国房地产市场的增长正在放缓。

    China 's property market is slowing following a multi-year , investment driven boom .