
  • 网络China Bridge;Bridges in China
  1. 中国桥梁建设新飞跃

    New Leaps in Construction of Bridges in China

  2. 在世界范围内,中国桥梁的数量已占据了重要的位置。

    In the world , the number of bridges in China have occupied the important position .

  3. 它标志着中国桥梁建设的一个飞跃。

    It marks a leap of China 's bridge construction .

  4. 浅析中国桥梁管理系统

    Simple Analysis of Chinese Bridge Management System

  5. 而中国桥梁在对世纪最后20年所取得的进步更令世界桥梁界惊叹不已。

    The progress in bridge construction in China during the last two decades has surprised tremendously the world 's bridge circle .

  6. 桥墩用花岗石块砌成,是中国桥梁建筑中的一份宝贵遗产。

    By the use of granite block and brick piers , the Bridge is a valuable heritage in the history of China 's bridge building .

  7. 中国公路桥梁管理系统(CBMS)正处于发展和初步应用阶段。

    China Bridge Management System ( CBMS ) is being the stage of initial application .

  8. 中国铁路桥梁钢结构设计及市场机遇

    The steel structural design and market opportunity of China Railway Bridge

  9. 中国铁路桥梁技术发展与展望

    Development and Prospects for Technology of Railway Bridge in China

  10. 这个公路项目由中国公路桥梁建设总公司负责。

    The highway project is being led by the China Road and Bridge Corporation .

  11. 中国传统桥梁与民居及村落环境的关系研究;

    The relationship of the Chinese Traditional Bridge with the dwelling house and village environment .

  12. 汶川地震及中国公路桥梁抗震设计规范的变迁

    Wenchuan Earthquake and changes of the specifications for seismic design of highway bridges in China

  13. 中国传统桥梁的保护理论、政策及技术研究;

    The research of the protection theory , policy and technology of Chinese traditional bridge .

  14. 希望起到抛砖引玉的作用,对中国公路桥梁的技术改造提供有益的借鉴。

    Want to play the role of " start " of the role of the technological transformation of China Road Bridge provide useful lessons .

  15. 研究结论:中国铁路桥梁研究制造出高强度耐久的新材料,设计出先进合理的桥式结构,拥有科学先进的制造和施工工艺设备。

    Research conclusions : China has researched and manufactured new durable materials for railway bridge , designed ( advanced ) and reasonable structures of railway bridge , and has advanced manufacturing and construction techniques and equipments .

  16. 在中国古代桥梁史上有着重要地位的泉州古桥是泉州宝贵的历史文化遗产,也是展现泉州古代社会历史的一个窗口。

    Quanzhou ancient bridges , which has an important status in the history of Chinese ancient bridges , is a valuable historical and cultural heritage of Quanzhou and a window to view the Quanzhou ancient society .

  17. 《大地》被译成一百多种文字在世界广为流传,成为跨文化交流的纽带,西方人了解中国的桥梁。

    After being published , The Good Earth was rendered into more than one hundred kinds of languages . It serves as a connection of intercultural communication as well as a bridge through which westerners understand China .

  18. 我觉得真的是给外国人学汉语的桥梁,也是外国人学中国文化的桥梁。

    I think it 's a bridge for foreigners learning Chinese and Chinese culture .

  19. 它是渤海地区的经济中心,同时也是通往中国北方的桥梁。

    It serves as a key economic centre for the Bohai region and acts as the gateway into North China .

  20. 这是每个从业者的职业操守,也是为世界儿童打造一个认识中国的美丽桥梁。

    This is the professional ethics of each practitioner , and the way to make a beautiful bridge for world kids to know China .

  21. 因此本文以在中国高速铁路桥梁中占绝大部分的中小跨度桥梁为背景,对高速铁路桥梁活载设计标准进行探讨和研究。

    Based on a series of small and medium-span bridges which occupy a distinctly important part in Chinese High-Speed Railway bridge , a discussion and research on live load standards is carred out in the thesis . The main works is as follows : 1 .

  22. 中国GRP/COM桥梁的研究与实践

    GRP Bridges in China : Research and Practice

  23. 中国长江上的桥梁建设

    Construction of Bridges over Yangtze River in China

  24. 中国走向世界的桥梁世界了解中国的窗口&《世界经济与中国》简介

    An Introduction to : World Economy & China

  25. 问:你能否让自己成为连接中国和好莱坞的桥梁?

    Are you able to position yourself as a bridge between China and Hollywood ?

  26. 道禅思想或直接性地、或间接性地以中国古典诗歌为桥梁影响和推动了美国诗歌的改变。

    Taoism and Zen , through Chinese classical poems directly or indirectly , has made great influences on American modern poems .

  27. 中高水平的中国学生产出晚期桥梁系统语素的准确度要高于晚期外来者系统语素产出的准确度。

    Within the class of late system morphemes , two level Chinese students produce bridge morphemes more accurately than outsider ones .

  28. 泰国华文报纸是沟通泰国与中国联系的重要桥梁,也是世界华文圈中不可或缺的组成部分。

    Chinese-language newspaper in Thailand is the important communication bridge of Thailand and China , and it is also indispensable to the circle of Chinese culture .

  29. 于短短数年间,圣大德机械有限公司与中国的建筑、桥梁、铁路、市政等行业的广大用户建立了良好的合作关系,业务逐年增加。

    In just a few years , we have built up very good relationships with the companies in different fields like Construction , Roads and Bridges , Railways and Municipal etc.

  30. 我们的目标正是,让那些最优秀的人才成为衔接中国和世界的桥梁,这正是“中土之国”现代化的重要工具。

    Our aim is to enable China 's best and brightest to act as a bridge between China and other nations - an important tool for modernizing the Middle Kingdom .