
  • 网络Chineseness;China Taste
  1. 联想(Lenovo)给出的答案是少一点中国味。

    For Lenovo , the answer is to appear less Chinese .

  2. 我这里有个胁迫有益的故事,中国味的。

    Here 's a story in favor of coercion , Chinese-style .

  3. 中国味文化的根基与发展规律

    The derivation of Chinese flavour culture and the law of its development

  4. 这典雅的有浓郁中国味的阁楼餐厅很有胃口。

    This elegant rich flavor loft Chinese Restaurant very appetite .

  5. 虽然远离祖国,他们的庆祝活动也同样原汁原味中国味。

    Though far away from their mother country , their celebrations are just as authentically Chinese .

  6. 文章研究的目的在于希望将传统元素与现代设计相互渗透,相互融合,发掘出具有中国味的设计作品。

    This study aims to hope to traditional and modern design elements , blending with China , " flavor " design works .

  7. 我想要人物图案。它更带有中国味。(转向她的丈夫)亲爱的,你看呢?

    Mrs.H : I think we should take the one with figure design . It 's more Chinese . ( Turning to her husband ) Darling , what 's your opinion ?

  8. 但中国味论更突出地强调了艺术的味外之味,即艺术美感的多层次性和广泛持久性。

    But China 's " taste " study emphasizes more the " flavor beyond flavor " of arts , namely , the multiple levels of the aesthetic sense of arts and wide permanence .

  9. 消费时代大众传播媒介与中国女人味神话

    Mass Media and Chinese ″ Femininity ″ Myth in the Consumption Age

  10. 吃在中国,味在四川。

    Eat in China , in Sichuan flavor .

  11. 以其麻辣味闻名于海外,有“食在中国,味在四川”之美誉。

    Is well-known hotly by its hemp in the overseas , has " the food in China , the taste in Sichuan " the fine reputation .

  12. 食在中国,味在四川!谁拥有了此金字招牌(极品域名)谁就是天府地区美食行业的巨头。

    Fresh in China , in Sichuan flavor ! Who owns this while secretly ( Acura domain name ) who is doing a good job in food industry giants in the region .

  13. 同时,他还坚持用现代意识观照传统文化,以东方的味、中国的味的民族形式进行意象的建构,力图融入世界文学的潮流。

    He still persists in viewing traditional culture with modern consciousness , using the national form of " Oriental flavor " and " Chinese flavor " to make a construction and try to integrate into the trend of world literature .

  14. 对中国菜肴味型与味别、味型与味觉、味型与调味料的关系及味型的分类、发展和开发的研究具有重要的意义。

    The guiding idea is of great significance for the study of the relationship between taste types and flavour kinds , taste types and condiments , taste types and senses of taste and the classification of taste types as well .

  15. 中国传统以味论诗的解释学意义

    The Hermeneutics Sense of Chinese Traditional Flavor Criterion

  16. 试论中国古典美学味范畴的嬗变及其成因

    An attempt at demonstrating the evolution and causes of " taste " category on chinese classic aesthetics

  17. 中国的鸡肉味和美国不同,那是因为中国的鸡吃的饲料(谷物)和美国的不一样。

    Chicken taste different in China because they are not fed the same grains as we do in the US .

  18. 中国肴馔之味,恰似中国诗,倘若能一语道破那谜底,倏然间那味就全没了。

    China Yaozhuan of taste , like Chinese poetry , if that answer can be exposed , Shuran between the taste on the whole did not .

  19. 中国菜以五味为主,即酸、辣、苦、甜、咸。

    The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes & sour , hot , bitter , sweet and salty .

  20. 一种甜的饮料,含碳酸水和调味料。中国菜以五味为主:即酸、甜、苦、辣、咸。

    A sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring . The Chinese cuisine Based on five tastes : sour , sweet , Bitter , hot and salty .

  21. 中国菜讲究色味香,这都是说的菜本身,倘若再有个好名字,无形之中就抬高了身价。

    Chinese cuisine is particular about color , taste and smell , all these are the food itself , if it has a good name , this will raise the price invisibly .

  22. 中国人讲英语多少带些中国味,语言学上称之为中国英语(ChinaEnglish)。

    It is commonly believed that Chinese speak English with some Chinese traits . Linguistically , this is called " China English " . China English is the product of cultural transition ;

  23. 赵无极早期的版画创作引入中国水墨效果,画面有一股浓郁的中国味,并且善于借鉴中国传统山水构图以及对空白的使用。

    Zhao early engraving ink painting effect introduced into China , the picture had a strong Chinese flavor , and be good at Chinese traditional landscape composition and reference to " blank " use .

  24. 中国现有日化产品的视觉传达设计存在的主要问题是,对西方广告模式的盲目跟风和生硬模仿,忽视了中国传统文化资源和民族特色开发利用,以致丢掉了中国品牌那浓浓的中国味。

    China has cosmetic products visual communication design the existing problem is blindly follow the west of the advertising model . Ignore the Chinese traditional culture resources and national characteristics .