
  • 网络chinese translation history;Translation History of China
  1. 利玛窦及其对中国翻译史的贡献

    Mathew Ricci and His Contributions to Translation History of China

  2. 《20世纪中国翻译史》评述

    An Introduction to the Chinese Translation History in the 20th Century

  3. 重视译史研究推动译学发展&中国翻译史研究述评

    On the Research of Chinese Translation History

  4. 贯穿二十世纪中国翻译史的意识形态操控行为

    The Manipulation of Ideology over China 's Translation Practice throughout the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  5. 在中国翻译史上,鲁迅曾做出巨大的贡献。

    Lu Xuns perspective of translation constitutes tremendous contribution to the development of translation study in China .

  6. 中国翻译史上三次大规模的翻译高潮提供了有力的佐证。

    The three translating climaxes in Chinese translation history prove to be a point of fact for it .

  7. 《惨世界》的译作是中国翻译史上的一件大事。

    The translated version of the Miserable World is considered a big event in China 's history of translation .

  8. 本章通过对中国翻译史的回顾,以大量的实例,分析了异化和归化的优点和缺点,对上述原则做了说明。

    The thesis draws this conclusion by reviewing the Chinese translation history with many examples to show the advantages and disadvantages of the two principles .

  9. 这一时期的翻译文学在中国翻译史上有着重要意义,是中国翻译史上的第三次翻译高潮。

    The translated literature during the May Fourth Movement was of great significance which was called as the third climax in the history of Chinese translation .

  10. 它拉开了中国翻译史上大规模的翻译活动的序幕,对促进中国与印度等国家的文化交流起到了非常重要的作用。

    It was the prelude to large-scale Chinese activities of translation of foreign culture and enormously promoted the cultural communications among China , India and other countries .

  11. 在中国翻译史上,林纾对外国文学作品的译介是一个比较特殊的文学翻译现象,倍受译界关注争论。

    Lin Shu 's translation of foreign literary works was unprecedented in China 's translation history , which remains a controversial and heated issue in the translation circle .

  12. 林纾是中国翻译史上的开拓者,其译作推进了中国的文化现代性和中国现代文学话语建构的进程。

    Lin shu is among the forerunners in Chinese translation history . his translations greatly improve the process of Chinese cultural modernization and Chinese modern literature language construction .

  13. 事实上,福尔摩斯侦探小说的翻译,在中国翻译史,乃至中国文学史上,都占有重要的地位。

    In spite of these comments , the translation of Sherlock Holmes occupies an important role in the history of Chinese translation and even in the history of Chinese literature .

  14. 晚清小说翻译是中国翻译史上第三次大规模的翻译活动,是中国和外国在文学和文化方面交流的象征。

    Late Qing fiction translation , the third large-scale translation activity in the history of Chinese translation , was a symbol of literary and cultural communication between China and foreign countries .

  15. 通过对中国翻译史的回顾,尤其是对中国历史上的四次翻译高潮的回顾,研究翻译理论的发展,促进翻译水平的提高。

    By looking back on the Chinese translation history , especially on the four translation climaxes in Chinese history , study the development of translation theories in order to raise our translation levels .

  16. 佛经翻译在中国翻译史和中国文学史上都留下了不可磨灭的影响,它不仅是中国文化史上的盛举,在世界文化史上也是首屈一指。

    Buddhist sutra translation occupies a significant page in China 's translation and literature histories and constitutes an unprecedentedly great undertaking in China 's cultural exchanges as well as in the world 's cultural history .

  17. 林纾(1852-1924),在清末民初从事西方文学的译介工作,是中国翻译史上一位既多产而又颇具影响力的译者。

    Lin Shu ( 1852-1924 ), a prolific and highly influential translator of western literary works into Chinese , was a monolingual who had to rely heavily on his collaborators in his work of translation .

  18. 本文于人迹稀少的小径上,对长期淹没在历史长河中的珍贵史料进行了梳理整合,旨在重新发现及确立20世纪初赞美诗在中国翻译史上之地位。

    Combing through the precious historical debris that has long been forgotten , this paper intends to make a rediscovery along the " untrodden path " and to reinstate early 20th-century hymn translation to its rightful place in Chinese translation history .

  19. 晚清的小说翻译是中国翻译史上第一次大规模的文学翻译活动,当时的翻译小说成为中西文学和文化交流的有利见证。

    Translation of fictions in the late Qing Dynasty is the first large-scale translation activity in the history of Chinese translation . The translation of fictions at that time is the evidence of literary and cultural communication between China and the West .

  20. 在中国翻译史尤其是现代文学史上,《域外小说集》占有重要的一席之地,但它在清末民初刚出版时,并没有引起多少读者的关注,以至销路惨淡。

    In the history of Chinese translation , especially of modern literature ," A Collection of Foreign Novels " has its place . But it did not draw much attention of readers when it was published at the turning point from Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China .

  21. 论中国翻译思想史中的译者视角

    On the perspective of a translator in Chinese translation studies

  22. 中国翻译文学史:实践与理论

    Writing of a Chinese History of Translated Literature : Its Theory and Practice

  23. 因此,在西方和中国的翻译史,盛行着对翻译理论的静态理解。

    Thus a static understanding of translation prevailed in both Western and Chinese translation history .

  24. 林纾是中国近代翻译史上饱受争议的翻译家,文学家。

    Lin Shu is one of the most debatable translators and litterateurs in Chinese translation history .

  25. 林纾在中国文学翻译史上是一个重要而且极具影响力的译者。

    Lin Shu is one of the most important and influential translators in Chinese literary history .

  26. 不论是古代还是现代的学者都推动了中国翻译美学史的发展。

    Both ancient scholars and modern translators push the development of the history of Chinese translation aesthetics .

  27. 本文以中国文学翻译史的三个时段为例,分析了文学翻译在不同的历史语境下折射出的不同的功利主义倾向。

    This paper analyzes the different features of utilitarianism in China 's literary translation in three periods .

  28. 一部中国的翻译史堪比一部翻译美学史。

    It is safe to say that Chinese translation history is comparable to a history of translation aesthetics .

  29. 晚清小说翻译是我国翻译文学的重要组成部分,在中国翻译文学史上占有独特的地位。

    The fiction translation campaign in the late Qing Dynasty has a remarkable position in the Chinese literary translation history .

  30. 傅雷是20世纪中国文学翻译史上一个具有特殊地位的伟大翻译家。

    Fu Lei , a great translator , has a special status in the 20th century 's history of translation in China .