
  1. 角色转换与文化认同&中国节日文化中的人

    Role Transformation and Culture Identification & Chinese Festival Culture and Man

  2. 中国节日(民俗)文化序论

    Prefatory Discussion of Festival ( Folk ) culture of China

  3. 七夕这天是中国节日中最浪漫的一天。

    This day is the most romantic one of the Chinese festivals .

  4. 它也在中国节日中扮演重要角色。

    It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals .

  5. 春节是传统的中国节日。

    The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday .

  6. 第一步:复习关于中国节日的单词。

    Step One : Review words about Chinese festivals .

  7. 就如同中国节日都会有一种特殊的食品一样。

    As every Chinese holiday is accompanied by some sort of special food .

  8. 第二步:复习关于中国节日活动的短语。

    Step Two : Review phrases about the activities people do during Chinese festivals .

  9. 是一个传统中国节日,夏历的八月十五日。

    A.What do you do on Moon Festival ?

  10. 然而他现在觉得中国节日离自己的生活越来越远。

    But now Huang feels the Chinese holidays are more and more remote from his life .

  11. 讨论它们(中国节日)是什么时间举行,庆祝的是什么事件,人们在那天做什么事。

    Discuss when they take place , what they celebrate and what people do at that time .

  12. 包山节是一个传统的中国节日,每年农历四月初八在香港长洲举行。

    Bun Festival is a traditional Chinese festival on the island of Cheung Chau in Hong Kong .

  13. 今年中秋节在阳历9月22日,这是一个传统的中国节日。

    The Autumn Moon Festival – which this year falls on September 22 – is a traditional Chinese holiday .

  14. 他们跟随长辈庆祝中国节日,甚至有的会回祖籍扫墓祭祖,但是对这些行为的文化内涵并不了解。

    They follow their families to celebrate Chinese festivals , sweep their ancestral grave and worship them without understanding the cultural connotations of these acts .

  15. 但是在一些大的中国节日期间,例如中国的新年和中国的国庆节,答复时间会相对延长几天。

    Please note that during major Chinese holidays such as Chinese New Year and Chinese National Day the Consulate may require a few extra days to respond .

  16. 大约一个月以前,很有声望的美国哥伦比亚大学举办了中国节日文化,并在每栋楼都悬挂了红色的灯笼。

    About one month ago , the prestigious Colombia University of the United States held a Chinese Culture Festival with each building on campus hanging a red lantern .

  17. 龙在中国的节日里扮演着重要的角色,它是中华民族的象征。

    The dragon plays an important part in Chinese festivals.It is a symbol of the Chinese nation .

  18. 中国常规节日是先民时问意识自觉的产物。

    Chinese festivals are the outcome of ancestors ' social activities .

  19. 海峡两岸幼儿园开展中国传统节日教育活动比较研究

    Comparing Study on the Cross-strait Kindergarten 's Traditional Festival Pedagogical Activity

  20. 许多中国传统节日都与古代民间传说有关。

    Many of the traditional Chinese holidays are associated with ancient folklore .

  21. 令人担忧的是,中国传统节日面临尴尬的境地。

    Worryingly , Chinese traditional festivals face an embarrassing situation .

  22. 论西方文化冲击下中国传统节日的回归

    The Return of Chinese Traditional Festivals Under the shock of Western Culture

  23. 同时,中国传统节日相对降温。

    At the same time , China traditional festival relative temperature decrease .

  24. 中国传统节日体育的功能及发展趋势

    Developmental Trend and Function of Sports in Chinese Traditional Festival

  25. 设计灵感取自中国传统节日“中秋节”。

    Design inspiration comes from traditional Chinese festivals " Mid-Autumn festival " .

  26. 我不知道你们是否了解了这个中国传统节日。

    I wonder if you understand this Chinese traditional festival .

  27. 春节是中国民间节日中规模最大、时间最长的节日。

    The Spring Festival is the longest and grandest of China 's festivals .

  28. 两岸仅在中国传统节日期间允许有限的直航包机。

    The two sides have only limited non-stop charters during some Chinese holidays .

  29. 中国传统节日习俗的文化溯源&以常州为例

    China 's Traditional Festivals and Cultural Practices Traceable : as an Example to Changzhou

  30. 摘要客家有其独特的方式来庆祝一些“泛中国的节日”。

    Hakka people have theior own ways to celebrate some of the pan-Chinese festivals .