
  1. 山西人经商风气的形成,与山西人观念的改变关系直接。

    The change in conception of the person who lives in Shanxi directly affects the form of the business atmosphere .

  2. 通过山西人让我懂得了要成为成功的商人,首先要具有创业精神,有吃苦耐劳的精神。

    Let me know through Shanxi to become a successful businessman , First entrepreneurial spirit , a spirit of the tradition of hard work .

  3. 那些真正应该看的人,不看我的博客,那些真正存在问题的山西人,看到后仍然麻木。

    These should look truly the human , did not look I the abundant guest , these has the problem truly the native of Shanxi , after saw was still numb .

  4. 在如今的创业中,何尝不是需要山西人这种精神呢,除了生意头脑之外,更为重要的还有一种敬业精神,讲求信用,尊重顾客。

    During today 's entrepreneur , it needs the spirit of these Shanxi businessmen , except their clever business idea , the more important is their work spirt : trustworthiness and respect .

  5. 对于山西人而言,醋不仅仅是人们一日三餐必不可少的食品,更是与山西几千年的文化有着千丝万缕的联系。

    As for the local people , vinegar is not only the essential food for people in three meals a day , but also associates with the culture of several thousand years in Shanxi .

  6. 在看了山西人的创业之路后,我觉的他们之所以能成功,除了靠他们良好的经营之外还有他们讲信用,他们那种诚心诚意对待顾客的敬业精神。

    After watch the entrepreneur of Shanxi people , I think that the reason of their successful , except relying on their good operation , also their work spirit of treat the customer with faithful .

  7. 山西人崇尚信义,主张义利相通,先义后利,以义制利,这也是晋商经营的哲学基础和晋商精神价值观的核心。

    The Shanxi people advocates integrity , advocates that righteous benefit relates with each other , make benefits after righteousness and use the righteousness to repel interest rate . This is also the philosophy basis of Shanxi merchants management and the core of their spiritual outlook on values .

  8. 葛平,女,山西介休人,中国诗歌学会会员,山西作家协会会员。

    Ge Ping , female , of the origin of Jiexiu in Shaanxi Province , a member of China Association of Poetry , and Shaanxi Writers'Association .

  9. 近代绥远地区,内地民人尤其是山西民人大量迁入,蒙地遂成为汉、蒙、满等多民族杂居,以汉族为主的地区。

    Modern Suiyuan areas , the mainland people , especially a large number of Shanxi people moved into , then monte became the han , mongolian , manchu and other multi-ethnic mixed , mainly in the areas of the han nationality .

  10. 在省委省政府的领导和关怀下,经过几十年山西游泳人的坚持不懈的共同努力,近几年来山西游泳队成绩取得了历史性的突破,也为山西省争得了荣誉。

    In the Provincial Government under the leadership and care for several decades , people swimming in Shanxi Province for joint unremitting efforts over the past few years Shanxi team achieved a historic breakthrough , but also to win the honor in Shanxi Province .

  11. 山西省老年人WHR中心肥胖人群明显的反映出体质差的特征,WHR中心肥胖人群应加强低强度有氧为主的各种健身运动。

    WHR center obesity People is obvious that the poor physical features .

  12. 山西地区正常人骨定量超声测定及评价

    Quantitative ultrasound measurements and evaluation of bone quality in normal Shanxi subjects

  13. 山西省老年人健身活动与体质状况的分析

    Study on Physical Exercise and Fitness State for Elder People in Shanxi Province

  14. 山西省农村老年人生活质量调查分析

    Study on Live Quality of Aged in Village of Shanxi Province

  15. 山西作家中多数人都创作过历史剧,展现出一幅幅生动的群像谱。

    The majority of Shanxi writers have historical dramas in which vivid characters are represented .

  16. 山西省城乡老年人对日常生活能力及条件的自我评价

    Self-appraisal of Daily Life Ability and Condition from Urban and Rural Senior Citizens of Shanxi Province

  17. 本文采用荧光分析法对山西长治地区正常人与消化道癌病人发硒含量进行了测定和分析。

    Selenium ( Se ) contents were quantitively analyzed in the hair from digestive system cancer patients and normal controls by fluoresence method .

  18. 在山西民间舞蹈相关文献的考察中,1949年之前整个山西的舞蹈传承人无一例是女性,并出现许多与男扮女装相关的记录。

    Inheritors of Shanxi dance was never a woman and had lots of relevant records of " A Male in Female Disguise " before 1949 during the literature about Shanxi folk dance .

  19. 山西面食用料多样,有小麦粉、高粱面、豆面、乔面等;品种繁多,有刀削面、猫耳朵、推窝窝等。面食融入了山西人对生活简单而丰富的理解。

    Take Shanxi Province as an example , the flour food is made of many kinds of material including wheat flour , sorghum flour and bean flour etc.