
fāng dèng
  • square stool
方凳[fāng dèng]
  1. 小宝搬了个方凳坐在妈妈身边,听她讲故事。

    Xiao Bao carried a square stool and sat by his mother to listen to her stories .

  2. 旧时嘉善等地于除夕夜,在猪舍置方凳摆香烛致祭,名“斋猪栏”;

    Old Jiashan and other places in the New Year 's Eve , in the pig home put incense square stool memorial service , the name " Vegetarian pigsty ";

  3. 带方形靠背的方凳。

    Square stool with square back .

  4. 把那个方凳拿来。

    Bring me that stool .

  5. 她解下裙子放在床上,然后走到书桌前面,拨好了桌上锡灯盏里的灯芯,使坐在书桌前面的方凳上。

    She took off her skirt and laid it on the bed , then walked over to the desk , turned up the wick of the pewter lamp and sat down .

  6. 楼上的厅房是“餐厅”,是一间长而大的房间,放满圆凳、方凳、靠椅、条凳和桌子,还有个瘸腿老球台。

    The hall on the first floor , where " the restaurant " was situated , was a large and long apartment encumbered with stools , chairs , benches , and tables , and with a crippled , lame , old billiard-table .