
  1. 山楂干酒中还原性物质的分析与还原糖含量测定

    Analysis of reducing substances and determination reducing sugars on dry wine of hawthorn

  2. 果干(苹果干、杏干、山楂干)是由鲜果经过去皮、切片清洗、热杀菌、烘干、分拣等加工而成的。

    The dried fruit ( dried apple , dried hawthorn and dried apricot etc. ) after the fruit from using scientific formula and a series of sophisticated processing by .

  3. 对山楂热风干制工艺进行了研究。

    ( stem leaven ) . In the experiment , the dehydration technology of hawthorn was studied .

  4. 通过对苹果、山楂鲜果及其干制品的糖、酸含量变化的分析,发现苹果和山楂果实经脱水干制后,总糖、总酸含量都有明显提高,不同糖的种类其变化规律不一致。

    The content of sugar and acid in apple and hawthorn before and after dehydration was determined .

  5. 同时经预处理的山楂能有效提高山楂干制品的感官质量和VC保存率。

    Simultaneously , pretreated hawthorn could effectively increase hawthorn products of Vc conservation rate and sensory quality .