
  1. 就是因为湿气重,重庆人都喜欢吃辣椒。

    The humidity is the reason why CQ people must eat spicy food all the time .

  2. 尤其下雨天而湿气重的时候,我有时觉得心情不佳。

    I have the blues sometimes when the weather is bad , particularly when it is raining and humid .

  3. 由于峡谷地区雨量多,湿气重,饮酒也就具有驱除风湿的作用。

    Owning in much more rainfall , humid in Canyon area , drinking has the function in getting rid of rheumatism .

  4. 由于湿气很重,外面很闷热。

    With all this moisture , it feels very muggy outside .

  5. 今天湿气很重,我的衣服都贴在身上了。

    It is so humid today my clothes are sticking to me .

  6. 潮湿的地下室或者湿气很重的夏天天气将会加重这个环境。

    A damp basement or humid summer weather will add to this condition .

  7. 据她的侄女马莎所说,她“最后的只言片语”是回忆起“家里人常嘱咐的一句话,‘湿气已经越来越重了。’”她的内科医生将她的去世归因于布赖特氏病,也就是现在被称为肾炎的一种肾病。

    According to her niece , Martha , her " briefest last message " was reminiscent of " an oft-repeated family caution , ' it was already growing damp . " " Her physician gave the cause of death as Bright 's disease , a kidney ailment now called nephritis .