
  • 网络wet process
  1. 湿法工艺在锂离子电池材料制备中的应用

    Application of Wet Process in Preparation of Lithium Ion Battery Materials

  2. 干燥是湿法工艺中最后一个步骤,是极大影响芯片成品率的重要环节,这使得干燥技术面临着新的挑战。

    Drying is the last step in wet process , which may enormously influence production yield .

  3. 固体氧化物燃料电池用YSZ电解质纳米粉体的湿法工艺进展

    Progress on the Wet Chemical Synthesis of YSZ Nano-powder for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

  4. 目前国内生产主要采用湿法工艺,即用四氯化碳(CCl4)做溶剂。

    Currently the main production process used is wet process with carbon tetrachloride ( CCl4 ) as solvent .

  5. 当前火电厂烟气脱硫(FGD)设施建设不断加快,大型火电机组烟气脱硫均以石灰石-石膏烟气脱硫湿法工艺为主,并已成为我国燃煤电厂烟气脱硫的首选工艺。

    With the increasing development of FGD facilities , wet limestone / gypsum FGD technology is predominant for large-scale thermal power units and has been the preferred technique .

  6. 本文对硅材料的各向异性腐蚀特性进行了深入分析,并以此为基础进行了硅V型槽光纤阵列的制作及基于SOI材料的波导湿法工艺研究。

    This paper demonstrates thoroughly the theoretic analysis about the anisotropic wet etching property of the silicon material and gives details on the fabrication work of V-grooves as well as waveguides on SOI basing on the wet etching technique .

  7. 循环流化床烟气脱硫(CFB-FGD)技术是一项新型半干法烟气脱硫工艺,能在较低的钙硫比情况下接近或达到湿法工艺的脱硫效率。

    Circulating Fluidized Bed for Flue Gas Desulfurization ( CFB-FGD ) is quite a novel technology that shows significant advantages with a low Ca / S ratio in comparison with other semi-dry technologies and that could also be competitive with the widely-used wet FGD technic .

  8. 锆铪分离的湿法工艺比较及分析

    Review and Comparison for Zirconium Hafnium Separation by Wet Extraction

  9. 从废催化剂中回收铂族金属的湿法工艺研究

    Hydrometallurgical processes of platinum group metals recovery from exhaust catalysts

  10. 以焙烧&湿法工艺从含金废料中回收金

    Recovery of Gold from Gold-bearing Waste Material by Roasting-hydrometallurgy

  11. 高性能纳米磁性薄膜材料的湿法工艺

    Electrodeposit Technology of High Performance Nano-magnetic Films

  12. 铅精矿全湿法工艺研究

    The Hydrometallurgical Study on Lead Concentrate

  13. 高砷铅阳极泥全湿法工艺提取有价金属试验

    Experiments on Extracting Valuable Metals with Hydrometallurgical Method from Anode Lead Slurry with High Arsenic Content

  14. 以小麦淀粉为原料,选用湿法工艺制备小麦羟丙基淀粉。

    Reaction of wheat starch with propylene oxide in aqueous slurry for producing hydroxypropyl wheat starch was investigated .

  15. 搭建了热辅助超声波压印系统,采用硅湿法工艺制作模具。

    Thermal assisted ultrasonic embossing system was set up and the mold was produced using silicon wet process .

  16. 采用湿法工艺,通过季铵盐与钠基膨润土,进行离子交换反应合成有机膨润土。

    The organobentonites are synthesized by means of the ionexchange reaction between quaternary ammonium salts and sodium base bentonites .

  17. 介绍萃取技术在铅阳极泥湿法工艺中提取金的应用原理和实践。

    This paper describes the principle and practice for application of extractive technology in extracting gold from lead anode slime .

  18. 采用浮选&酸浸湿法工艺处理锌尾矿,研究了浮选药剂的最佳配比。

    The technique of floatation acid leaching wet processing has been employed to the preparation of zinc sulfate from zinc tailing .

  19. 本文借鉴合成革工业中的实验打小样方法,采用转移涂层工艺,进行涂层,采用凝固浴湿法工艺进行聚氨酯涂层的凝固。

    This thesis uses synthetic leather 's experiment technics for reference , such as using transfer coating release paper , concreting technics .

  20. 与粘胶人造丝或铜铵人造丝生产时使用的湿法工艺相比,上述干纺工艺比较简单,生产速度也较快;

    This dry - spinning process is simpler and quicker than the wet - spinning process used with viscose or cuprammonium rayon .

  21. 目前工业上生产羧甲基淀粉以湿法工艺为主,部分采用干法工艺。湿法纤维板热压机改造的设计计算

    Till now , CMS is produced mainly by wet method industrially . Design and Calculation of Wet Process Fibreboard Hot Press Remaking

  22. 采用置换除铜湿法工艺可从废旧正、负极穿孔钢带极片中回收多种金属。

    The application of hydrometallurgical processes which remove copper ion may recovery lots of metals in waste perforated anode and cathode plates .

  23. 对低温氧化焙烧湿法工艺处理铜阳极泥的第三步&亚硫酸钠浸出银及甲醛还原银进行了研究。

    Selective leaching of silver from copper anode mud with sodiumsufite and reducing silver from the leaching solution with formaldehyde have been investigated .

  24. 从电池对隔膜要求的角度,列举了几种湿法工艺生产的电池隔膜及其所配套的电池;

    On view of demand of element to barriers , several element barriers produced by wet-laying process and serial elements were enumerated in the paper .

  25. 研究湿法工艺生产的癸酸钴在全钢子午线轮胎钢丝带束层胶中的应用效果,并与干法工艺生产的癸酸钴进行对比。

    The application of the wet cobalt decanoate in the belt compound of BTR tire was investigated and compared to that of the dry cobalt decanoate .

  26. 传统上采用酸、碱、氧化剂的湿法工艺,存在许多弊病,近年来,剧毒气体干法解毒技术发展迅猛。

    Wet processes which used acid , alkali and oxidizing agent had lots disadvantages , in recently , detoxification techniques by pyrolysis for toxic gases developed rapidly .

  27. 本文介绍了国内外现行锰锌铁氧体材料的制备方法及研究进展,包括传统的干法工艺和湿法工艺。

    This paper is introduced the domestic and foreign current manganese zinc ferrite material preparation method and research progress , including the traditional one does the law craft and wet law craft .

  28. 本文介绍了采用湿法工艺流程处理高铋、锑、铅阳极泥,并对金银等有价金属进行综合回收。

    The employment of hydrometallurgical method to treat anode mud of lead containing high bismuth and antimony and recover synthetically valuable metals as gold , silver etc was introduced in this paper .

  29. 搭建了超声波压印系统,基于功能和工艺结构相结合的思想,在满足微流控芯片功能的基础上,设计了增压工艺辅助结构,并采用硅湿法工艺制作模具。

    Based on the combination of function and manufacture , accessory imprinting structures for pressurizing were introduced and mold based on silicon wet etching was made to satisfy the functions of microfluidic chip .

  30. 采用湿法工艺,加入适当助剂,可在缓和的反应条件下,使硅的转化率达到95%以上,制得合格的水玻璃产品。

    Under certain additive concentration , by utilizing the wet method , the conversion ratio of silicon dioxide can reach > 95 % and the quality of water glass corresponds to the product quality standards .