
  1. 两只毛茸茸的畜生扑上我的喉头,把我撞倒在地。

    Two hairy monsters flew at my throat , bearing me down .

  2. 然后,像猫一样扑上,吞下。

    Then , pouncing like a cat , devours .

  3. 最后再薄薄扑上一层粉。

    Then cover lightly with powder , and voila !

  4. 工业机扑上用的气动控制器

    Pneumatic controller for industrial robot

  5. 眼影和睫毛膏不要化烟熏妆了,眼部下方扑上透明的粉,因为这样可以更好地融合,任何肤色都适宜有效。

    To stop shadow and mascara from smudging , use a translucent powder underneath your eye because it blends in better and works on every skin tone .

  6. 烧热油锅,把腌过的鱼肉,扑上玉米淀粉,炸至金黄色,放到纸巾上滤油。然后摆盘。

    Lightly coat the marinated fish with corn starch and fry them in a heated wok filled with oil until light golden . Drain and place in a plate .

  7. 他太严肃、太专注,一心扑在事业上。

    He 's too serious and dedicated , wrapped up in his career

  8. 他立即飞身扑到地上。

    He immediately flung himself to the floor

  9. 她一心扑在事业上。

    She flung herself into her career

  10. 但在那之前,当局并没有特别注意,因为高层官员们都一门心思扑在科威特上。

    But by then the administration wasn 't paying attention , for top officials were fixated on Kuwait .

  11. 让我们看看前雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)首席财务官艾琳•卡兰全身心扑在工作上所付出的代价:她的婚姻结束了。雷曼倒闭时,她感觉自己整个人也消失了。

    Just look at the price that former Lehman Brothers CFO Erin Callan paid for giving her all to the job : Her marriage ended , and when Lehman collapsed she felt her entire identity was gone .

  12. 你一心扑在工作上,定能出成果。

    With your dedication to work you are certain to go far .

  13. 自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上。

    Since she left , she 'd buried himself in his work .

  14. 我不介意二心扑在事业上。

    I don 't mind being married to my career .

  15. 还有爸爸扑到车头上的时候

    How about when dad jumped on the hood of the car ?

  16. 如同饥饿的人扑在面包上。

    It 's just like a hungry person sees a loaf of bread .

  17. 换个说法,如同我扑在钞票上。

    In other words , it 's just like I see loads of cash .

  18. 我弟弟一心扑在工作上。

    My brother is married to his job .

  19. 但我们不能只是埋头苦读课本,一心扑在论文上。

    But we can do more than bury our heads in textbooks and essays .

  20. 他总是乐呵呵的,一直全身心地扑在工作上。

    He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work .

  21. 杰克很少一心扑在工作上。

    Jack rarely hurls himself into his work .

  22. 她一心一意扑在工作上。

    She 's completely dedicated to her work .

  23. 守卫们把艾尔扑在地上。

    The guards wrestle al to the ground .

  24. 立即;马上他立即飞身扑到地上。

    He immediately flung himself to the floor .

  25. 矮个子只能扑到地上,屏住呼吸。

    The short man had to throw himself to the ground and held his breath .

  26. “我快神经错乱啦,耐莉!”她嚷道,扑到沙发上。

    I 'm nearly distracted , Nelly ! 'she exclaimed , throwing herself on the sofa .

  27. 过去六年,我在编码上花了大量心血,一心扑在工作上。

    The last six years have been a lot of coding and focus and hard work .

  28. 我看见火焰时便凭直觉把一张毯子扑在火焰上。

    When I see the flames I act on instinct and throw a blanket over them .

  29. 美塞苔丝扑到栏杆上向他伸出手臂大声喊着。

    Cried Merc é d è s , stretching out her arms to him from the balcony .

  30. 他俯扑在地上,双手张开,脑袋扭向一边。

    He was lying on his belly with arms crucified and head sharply twisted to one side .