
pū kè
  • poker;playing cards
扑克 [pū kè]
  • [poker;playing cards] 纸牌名,共54张,背面完全相同,正面有不同的花色和大小,各种牌戏都可以使用

扑克[pū kè]
  1. 伊尔蒂德神父总是敞开大门欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克或玩游戏。

    Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time , playing cards or games .

  2. 打扑克没劲,咱们去游泳吧。

    Playing cards is no fun ; let 's go swimming .

  3. 长时间等待实在无聊,我们就打扑克来解闷儿。

    We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait .

  4. 我和朗每周和同一帮人聚在一起打扑克。

    Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game .

  5. 她拿了一副扑克,开始摆牌。

    She took a deck of cards and began to lay them out .

  6. 打扑克经验很重要。

    Experience counts for a lot in poker .

  7. 我打扑克是老手了,可以玩些花样。

    I 'm old enough to play poker and do something with it .

  8. “公车表情”指的是在乘公交车时脸上显露出的漠然的表情(有点像面无表情的“扑克脸”)。

    Bus look refers to a blank facial expression ( somewhat similar to a poker . Example :

  9. 我姐姐在Facebook上发起了一个扑克比赛的邀请,目的就是为了给她募集捐款。

    My sister sent around a Facebook invite for a poker tournament to raise funds .

  10. 陈士骏的一个熟人说,他是个很厉害的扑克玩家。他现在依然单身,和自己的小猫一起住在旧金山的ChinaBasin区。

    Mr Chen , who is single and lives in the China Basin district of San Francisco with his cat , is said by an acquaintance to be a strong poker player .

  11. 我开始打扑克,是上世纪60年代末在赫尔(hull)一家奖杯制造厂工作的时候。

    I started playing poker when I was working for a trophy maker in hull in the late 1960s .

  12. 今年春节期间,她在iPad上同朋友们聊天,打打德州扑克,过得不亦乐乎。

    She enjoys chatting with her friends or playing Texas Hold ' em Poker on her iPad over this festive season .

  13. 2007年,Ken被剑桥大学数学系录取,但没过多久就直接辍学改行做起了专业扑克玩家。

    Ken studied mathematics at Cambridge University since 2007 but soon dropped out to become a professional poker player .

  14. 上周,谷歌宣布将在Google+上引进《Zynga扑克》(ZyngaPoker)和《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)等游戏。

    Last week , Google announced that games like Zynga poker and angry birds would find a home on Google + .

  15. (Zynga已经推出了一些HTML5游戏,包括《Zynga扑克》和《FarmVilleExpress》等。)

    ( the company has released a few such games , including Zynga poker and Farmville express . )

  16. 因演唱《扑克脸》一举成名的24岁歌手LadyGaga一夜之间追平了该奖项历史上的第二好成绩。

    The Poker Face singer , 24 , had for the second highest number of wins in one night in the history of the event .

  17. 瞧瞧我,终于来到你们传说中的扑克聚会了,Susan总是跟我提到你们玩得多开心!

    Well look at me , finally in on one of your legendary poker parties . Susan 's always telling me how much fun you girls have .

  18. MTT法扑克采取不太注重个人表比任何其他形式,所以你要发挥最低限度的6场比赛一次。

    MTT poker takes less focus on an individual table than any other form , so you want to be playing a bare minimum of6 tournaments at once .

  19. 我们已经编写了一个扑克发牌器和Blackjack发牌器。

    We 've already written a poker dealer and a blackjack dealer .

  20. 她的研究生阶段在耶鲁大学(Yale)度过,在那里,一场扑克游戏给了她启迪,使她写出一篇有关通常讲究逻辑的人们迸发突发奇想的博士论文。

    She went on to graduate work at Yale , where a poker game led to her doctoral dissertation on the magical thinking of otherwise logical people .

  21. 在加入ThoughtWorks两年之前,我主要靠玩扑克为生。

    The two years before I joined ThoughtWorks I lived primarily off playing poker .

  22. 即使是介绍博弈论的优秀篇章也会引用现实中的英雄做为例证:玩牌人chris“jesus”ferguson曾运用此理论在2000年世界扑克锦标赛中胜出。

    Even the excellent chapter on game theory has a practical Hero : the card player , Chris " Jesus " Ferguson , who applied its lessons to win the poker world championship in 2000 .

  23. 拥有《糟糕的浪漫史》、《扑克脸》等热门单曲的LadyGaga还表示整个演出将充满戏剧色彩,“与其说是一场演唱会还不如说是一部音乐剧”。

    The singer of hits like " Bad Romance " and " Poker Face " has said the theatrical show will be " more of a musical and less of a concert " .

  24. 本文从密码协议中的自动执行协议入手,研究了基于公平硬币抛掷协议的智力扑克游戏,协议中应用RSA密钥体制。

    Start from self-enforcing protocol that in the code protocol , intelligence poker game based on a fair coin toss protocol hare studied , it was RSA key system that employed in the agreement .

  25. 我们现在把很多时间用在玩最新的Wii游戏机,甚至看电视里别人玩扑克。

    Many of us have plenty of leisure time to devote to trying out the latest Wii game or even watching others play poker on TV .

  26. 我偷偷瞅了一眼钟,希望Charlotte离开的时间不会太久了,然后开始整理手上的扑克:黑桃皇后在红桃王上面;

    I sneaked a look at the clock , hoping it would soon be time for Charlotte to go , and began to stack up my cards : black queen on red king ;

  27. 上汽(SAIC)自主开发的中型车荣威350(Roewe350)配备的车载软件,让乘坐者可以交易股票、打扑克、在中国版的Facebook上发帖子以及交流即时讯息。

    The Roewe 350 , the homegrown midsize model from SAIC , comes with in-car software that allows occupants to trade stocks , play poker , post to the Chinese version of Facebook and exchange instant messages .

  28. 杰富瑞(Jefferies)矿业专家杰克格林伯格(JakeGreenberg)表示,嘉能可与卡塔尔控股的僵局,使得这场价值560亿美元的自然资源合并交易转变为一场高风险的扑克游戏。

    The stand-off with the Qataris has turned the $ 56bn natural resources merger into a game of high risk poker , said Jake Greenberg , a mining specialist at Jefferies .

  29. 为了参加一个诸如扑克的纸牌游戏,他必须在预先下注(anteup)。他必须在游戏刚开始时付一点钱。

    To take part in a card game such as poker , my friend would have to ante up & he would have to pay a small amount of money at the beginning of the game .

  30. 但你一定要来打扑克,我知道MaisyGibbons的丑事

    I know you 're down about this Mike thing , but you got to come to poker . It 'll be worth it . I got dirt on Maisy Gibbons .