
  • 网络Wet fire
  1. 劈柴太湿,火引不着。

    The firewood is too wet to kindle .

  2. 他们试图用湿毯子把火扑灭。

    They try to smother the flames with a damp blanket .

  3. 对湿邪及火(热)邪易感性强。

    Dampness and fire ( heat ) evil susceptibility .

  4. 实者,气滞、湿阻、火郁、血瘀为病之标。

    And the stagnation of qi , dampness , fire and blood is the incidental of the disease .

  5. 妈妈把湿靴子放在火上烘。

    Mamma steamed her damp boots at the fire .

  6. 冬季,把湿衣服挂在火附近,你就会看到湿衣服上有气体溢出。

    In winter , put your wet clothes near the fire , then you can see gas rising from the wet clothes .

  7. 发现中重度寻常型痤疮的中医症型主要有:湿热蕴结、痰湿凝结、脾肾阳虚夹湿及阴虚火旺。

    TCM syndrome type of moderate to severe acne vulgaris : heat Accumulation of phlegm condensation , spleen and kidney yang dampness and wang .