
  1. 对所建立的航空电子综合化系统的可靠性Petri网模型进行仿真研究,结果可以充分反应各子系统的可用度指标以及冗余设计对提高航空电子综合化系统可靠性的显著作用。

    Simulate the reliability Petri net model of avionics system . The simulation result indicates that the system used redundant design can obviously enhance the reliability of systems .

  2. 比较不同HRT下复合菌群对生活污水的处理效果。发现较长的停留时间有利于微生物的充分反应。

    Compaed the treatment results of removal sewage by composite flora under different HRT , it indicated that a long time staying was benefit to fully reaction of microbial .

  3. 考虑对原有间歇反应装置进行改进,增加预裂解管,让物料在其中进行充分反应后进入精馏塔,对产物进行精馏可连续制取所需产品FPN。

    RESONANT REACTOR SYSTEM AND ITS MASS-TRANSFER PERFORMANCE We added a steel tube to make the raw materials react fully before entering into the distillation column to get FPN .

  4. 然后用浓氨水使Cr(Ⅲ)完全沉淀,再与H2SO4充分反应,得到Cr2(SO4)3,从而实现铬废液中铬的回收。

    Cr (ⅲ) was deposited using concentrated ammonia water , and then was reacted with H_2SO_4 . Cr_2 ( SO_4 ) _3 was obtained and thereby chromium in the chromium waste liquid was reclaimed successfully .

  5. 本反应器具有结构简单、放电稳定和等离子体电源易得的特点,同时原料气体可全部流经等离子体区进行充分反应。

    Simple structure , stable discharge and convenient power source are outstanding characteristics of the reaction apparatus .

  6. 众所周知,经济放缓,但我们似乎没有做出充分反应。

    We all know there 's a slowdown , but we do not seem to be responding adequately .

  7. 将混合物回流加热20至24小时并充分反应,形成氯化产物

    " The mixture was refluxed for 20 to 24 hours to allow the reaction to proceed to completion , forming the chlorinated product "

  8. 按照有效市场理论,在半强势有效市场中,公开渠道取得的信息已经充分反应在股票价格中,专业的机构投资者也无法战胜市场。

    According to effectively market hypothesis , in the semi-strong efficient market , open information has been fully reflected in stock prices , the professional institutional investors cannot beat the market .

  9. 本文研究发现中国家庭、传统英国建筑等文化隐喻可以充分反应了中英两国核心社会文化价值相似性与差异性。

    The major findings of the thesis are that Chinese family , traditional British house and other cultural metaphors can reflect similarities and differences of Chinese and British social cultural values .

  10. 对水土界面土壤磷释放的研究以往主要在实验室进行,而实验室模拟条件很难与实际情况相一致,因而并不能充分反应磷释放的实际情况。

    Researches on phosphorous release at water-soil interface have been primarily carried out at laboratory conditions , which cannot reflect the actual instance because of the differences between field condition and lab simulated ones .

  11. 考虑到新浪已经上市,且没有很多其他令其股价承压(新浪微博已占新浪市值的大部分)的资产,通过让新浪微博上市来充分反应新浪价值的理由缺乏说服力。

    It never made much sense , given that Sina is already listed and doesn 't have many other assets weighing it down & Weibo accounts for the bulk of Sina 's market cap .

  12. 纳斯达克昨日宣布这项举措时表示,它本身的股价并未充分反应出它在伦敦证交所所持股份的价值。它当初购买这些股份的均价大约为每股11英镑。

    Announcing the move yesterday , Nasdaq said its own share price did not adequately reflect the value of its holding in the LSE , which it acquired at an average price of about 11 a share .

  13. 推助此次论战的坚定信仰,在这两个学派之间创设了一种假二分法事实上,两种观点都有正确之处,但都没有充分反应经济现实的全貌。

    The strong convictions fuelling this debate have created a false dichotomy between the two schools of thought in fact , both perspectives contain elements of truth , but neither is a complete picture of economic reality .

  14. 目前研究一般是采用二维参数进行滑模控制器的设计,只单独采用负载电压或电流进行滑模面的设计,不能充分反应整个系统的动态行为。

    The present research methods apply the two dimension parameter to design the SMA controller , which is used for load voltage or current separately to create the sliding mode function . They can not reflect the system dynamic behaviors .

  15. 由于信息供给不足,造成不完全金融市场的价格不能充分反应经济信息;由于不完全金融市场的价格不能充分反应经济信息,又造成金融市场的非完全有效。

    Since the fact that the information supply scarcity , the market price can not sufficiently react economic information ; And since the price can not sufficiently react economic information , it makes the financial market is not sufficiently efficient .

  16. 即重组事件得到了资本市场的充分反应,但内幕交易严重;财务绩效短期有所好转,但持续性差;核准制是造成重组低效率的一个重要原因。

    That recombination events have been a sufficient response to the capital market , but a serious insider trading ; short-term financial performance has improved , but sustained ; " approval system " is causing a major reorganization of the reasons for low efficiency .

  17. SteveRoach:“据我们所知,他们所做的只是友好地要求整个行业做出改变。但是我们不相信会得到充分的反应。”

    STEVE ROACH : " As far as we can tell , all they were trying to do was kindly ask the industry to make changes . And we just do not believe that is [ an ] response . "

  18. 与美国英语相比,英国英语得到了更充分地反应。

    The British English is more fully reflected than American English .

  19. 结果表明,反应温度120℃最佳,可以充分提高反应速度;

    It was observed that the optimal reaction temperature was 120 ℃ .

  20. 即便果真如此,这也是一种不充分的反应。

    They do so very imperfectly , if at all .

  21. 这表明水泥水化在到达一定阶段后,其水化更加充分,反应速率更快。

    This shows that the hydration rate is faster .

  22. 纯铁在石英坩埚中熔化,并恒温在1600℃,按前后分别加入纯硅和纯铌,让其充分发生反应。

    Pure Si and Nb were added separately into the liquid iron contained in quartz crucibles at 1600 ℃ .

  23. 为充分利用反应釜内部空间应选取雾化形状为实心的喷嘴;

    The solid nozzle should be selected in order to making use of the internal space of the cell ;

  24. 反应挤出机除了塑化功能外,在设计上应充分考虑反应挤出工艺的要求。

    Besides plasticizing capacity , the reaction function should be taken into account when a reaction extruder is being designed .

  25. 在磷酸反应槽中,机械式搅拌用于槽内,强制料液沿着特定的方向和流速运动,达到充分混合反应的目的。

    Mechanical stirring is used in phosphoric acid reactor , so as to force the feed liquid move along particular direction and flow rate and finally have compound reaction adequately .

  26. 炭黑经过改性处理后分散在有机硅中,再添加适当的正硅酸乙酯、分散剂和水,充分搅拌反应后即可得到憎水性涂料。

    After modifying , Carbon Black ( CB ) dispersed in organosilicon matrix and then hydrophobic coating can be obtained when a certain amount of tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ), Dispersing agent and water are added with enough stiring .

  27. 大规模计算机语料库包含丰富的语言现象,能够充分的反应语言使用的普遍规律,已经引起许多国家的信息技术领域和语言学界日益浓厚的兴趣,成为自然语言处理领域的热点话题。

    Large-scale corpus contains abundant language phenomenon . It can reflect the universal law of language using and has drawn the interest of many countries in the field of information technology and linguistics circle . It has become a hot topic in the field of natural language processing .

  28. 在建模过程中,运用CFD的知识和理论,建立了催化转化器内部流场和非稳态温度场数学模型,同时充分考虑化学反应放热对载体升温过程的影响,使得该模型更合理;

    Special in the study : During the process of building the model , it is considered fully how the reaction heat influences the temperature of monolith , which makes the model consistent with the fact .

  29. 热力学实验模型是在FeC熔液中加入钛铁合金(Ti,Fe)和纯铝块,继续加热到1600℃,熔液经过充分混合、反应后随炉冷却到常温。

    The thermodynamics model is established on the fact that pieces of Ti-Fe alloy and pure Al are added into the Fe-C melt and heated up to 1600 ℃, then frozen to room temperature in the furnace after complete mixing and reaction .

  30. 称取4.83gAlCl3·6H2O与5.30gNa2CO3粉末于研钵中,在室温下充分混合研磨反应40min得到反应混合物,用蒸馏水洗去其中的可溶性无机盐后烘干,即可得到产物粉末。

    At room temperature , the precursor mixture was obtained when 4.83 g AlCl_3 · 6H_2O and 5.30 g Na_2CO_3 were grinded and reacted 40 min thoroughly . The soluble inorganic salt was removed by washing with water . After drying , the product is obtained .