
  1. 乒乓球作为中国购乐学的国球,具有十分浓厚购乐学的民间基础。

    As a Chinese national ball game , Table tennis has a strong civil foundation .

  2. 五月份席卷中国的购金热潮仍在持续。

    A gold rush that swept China during the May Day holidays is continuing .

  3. 朝鲜王朝对中国书籍的购求及其对儒家文化的吸收

    Choson Dynasty 's Acquirement of Chinese Books and Its Absorption of Confucian Culture

  4. 成交额中的43%由中国内地买家购得。

    Buyers from the Chinese mainland bought as much as 43 per cent of the total .

  5. 中国需要改进购油作业,以便更好地规避价格风险,降低进口成本。

    China needs to improve its oil purchasing procedures , so as to avoid price risks and to cut import costs .

  6. 波音估计,到2030年中国将会增购5000架商用飞机,总价值6000亿美元,这无疑将使中国成为未来十年最大的飞机买主。

    Boeing estimates that China will add 5,000 commercial aircraft worth $ 600bn by 2030 , making it far and away the biggest purchaser of aircraft over the coming decade .

  7. 2005年,中国制定了其购电法政策,成为第六个采取该措施的发展中国。

    In2005 , China adopted its own feed-in policy , becoming only the sixth developing .

  8. 中国家用轿车初购者与再购者的决策过程差异研究

    A Study of the Differences in the Decision-making Process between First-time and Repeat Buyers of Passenger Cars in China

  9. 澳大利亚乃至任何外国企业都毫无指望在一家中国大型资源企业购得这样的股份,原因包括这些中国企业都是国有的,他表示。

    There is no prospect that an Australian or any foreign company would be able to acquire a stake of this kind in a major Chinese resource company not least because they are all state-owned , he said .

  10. 第四部分对中国中小城市电视购营销存在的问题及原因进行了分析,指出了其存在的诸如投资者信心不足、商品投放定位不准等问题。

    Part iv TV purchase and marketing problems of small and medium-sized cities in China and their causes are analyzed , and pointed out the existence of such as investors lack of confidence , goods delivery location are not allowed to issue .

  11. 专门从事将房产出售给中国买家的纽约房地产经纪人凯茜·韩告诉报社,对于中国人购得该房产,她一点也不惊奇。

    Cathy Han , a New York real estate agent specializing in marketing properties to Chinese buyers , told the newspaper that she was not surprised that a Chinese buyer may have purchased the house .