
  • 网络Center Differential;Centre Differential;Center Diff
  1. 这意味着将完全在ABS的SS4型模式的所有功能,与中央差速器锁定制动,需要制动参数完全不同。

    This meant ABS would be fully functional in all modes of SS4 , as braking with a locked center differential requires completely different braking parameters .

  2. 路虎推出了Borg-Warner链驱动转移箱,在揽胜的动力系统中加入了粘性耦合中央差速器。

    Land Rover introduces a Borg-Warner chain driven transfer box with a viscous coupled centre differential into the Range Rover 's driveline .

  3. 该开关位于仪表组件内,只有在车速低于8km/h时且中央差速器锁止指示灯开关接通时,前、后差速器才可以锁止。

    Only when the vehicle speed is lower than 8 km / h and indicator light of central differential lock is turned on , the front and rear differential can be locked .