
  • 网络Middletown;Centreville
  1. 偏人作为壮族的一个小支系,它主要分布在广西防城港的峒中镇和板八。

    Pian people as a small branch of Zhuang people , they mainly live in town of Dong Zhong and Ban Ba .

  2. 宁波市域城镇体系中重点镇发展的若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues about major towns in ningbo 's urban and town system

  3. 隋唐时期是我国兴起墓中随葬镇墓神物的第二个高峰。

    The period of Sui and Tang dynasties was the second pinnacle of prevailing of burying tomb guardians .

  4. 清代江西的乡绅、望族与地方社会&新城县中田镇的个案研究

    Rural Gentry , Prominent Families , and Local Society in Jiangxi during the Qing Dynasty : A case study of Zhongtian Town , Xincheng County

  5. 利用文献[1,2]中的镇定性结果,研究变系数波方程的精确可控性,并给出控制及其近似控制的误差估计。

    With the stabilization in [ 1,2 ] , we study the exact controllability and its approximation of wave equation with variable coefficient , and give the error estimation between the control and its approximation .

  6. 从这里往西远远的山谷中是弗赖堡镇。

    Way down in the valley to the west is the town of Freiburg

  7. 新农村建设中乡(镇)政府政策执行力研究

    On Village Governments Policy Execution Ability in New Country Building

  8. 法国地方治理体系中的市镇政府

    The Commune Government in the French Local Governance System

  9. 村镇规划中乡(镇)域规划图的设计与编绘

    Design and Compilation of Village-town Planning Maps

  10. 在长期的生产实践中,温泉镇劳动人民创造了一系列独特的生产工艺。

    In the long period of productive practice , the people in the town created a set of special technique .

  11. 明代中后期宁夏镇的互市贸易状况及其成因试析

    The Analysis about the Situations and Reasons about the Trade in Ningxia Town in the Middle and Post-Period in Ming Dynasty

  12. 他带她瞅了几个不同的地方,她终于瞅中了离镇中心不远处的一间别致小平房。

    He showed her several different places and she finally settled on a small but charming cottage not far from the town centre .

  13. 另外,在专业镇建设及地区竞争优势形成过程中,石龙镇政府发挥着重要的作用。

    Finally , the Shilong town government will play an important role in the process of constructing E-Town and formulating its regional competition advantage .

  14. 最后,在能源与废物管理、交通运输以及规划与发展等领域中,各市镇都有应对地方环境影响的相当丰富的经验。

    Finally , municipalities have considerable experience addressing local environmental impacts within the fields of energy and waste management , transportation , and planning and development .

  15. 美国城市体系中的城市镇居住全美城镇人口的三分之二,美国的城市像9个指标,及其大小城镇的比较;

    The population of small towns account for two thirds of the total urban population . There are 9 indexes and the comparison between large and small cities in American city statue .

  16. 没有企业集群,就没有中小城(镇)的发展动力,大中小城市、小城镇就不能协调发展。

    Without enterprise clusters , the development of small and medium cities would not have the driving force , and the coordinated development between big / medium cities and small cities would not be achieved .

  17. 本文以东北移民文化的熟人社会为背景,考察作为非正式制度的社区记忆因素对地方经济发展的影响情况,选取了松嫩平原粮产区中的S镇作为个案。

    This text as background , is it regard unofficial community memory factor impact on local economic development situation of system as to investigate with acquaintance society of culture , immigrant of Northeastern ,, have chosen S town in the loose tender plain grain producing region as the case .

  18. 试论明朝中前期宣府镇列女群体的特点

    Characteristics of Group of Chaste and Pure Women of Xuanfu Town in Early-Mid Period of the Ming Dynasty

  19. 因此,作品中的洼狸镇就可以看作是整个中国农村的象征,小说和中国农村的现代历史便成了两个可以互为参证的对应系统。

    Therefore , Wu Li town in the work is regarded as the symbol of the whole Chinese countryside .

  20. 明朝中前期宣府镇在北部边疆中的重要地位和作用

    Xuanfu Town 's Important Position and Role in the Northern Border Region in the Early and Medium Ming Dynasty

  21. 第五章中则针对黄龙镇的街道空间进行分层分析,通过对街道结构、界面、尺度、功能等方面的分析,探求黄龙镇街道空间自身的空间特性。

    In the five chapters , through the streets of the structure , interface , scale and function in the analysis , and explore in characteristics of streets space of the Huanglong ancient town spatial of space .