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  • 网络aesthetic culture;Aesthetical culture
  1. 其次,审美文化受到商业因素的渗透。

    Next , the aesthetic culture is infiltrated by commercial factors .

  2. 侗族石雕艺术的审美文化及其保护

    Aesthetic Culture and Protection of Stone Sculpture Art of Dong Minority

  3. 论《周易》审美文化模式的创造

    On the Creation of Cultural Mode in The Book of Change

  4. 略论陈炎的审美文化史理论建构

    Briefly on Theoretical Construction of Aesthetical Cultural History by CHEN Yan

  5. 当代审美文化与反对解释

    Objecting Explain in the Culture and Contemporary Attitude to the Beauty

  6. 论北方系青铜器动物纹饰与北方民族审美文化

    Discuss Northern Bronze Animal Veins Decorative Character and Northern National Aesthetic Culture

  7. 新时期审美文化场景的三大主题

    Three Important Topics about Aesthetical Culture in the New Period

  8. 服饰仿生艺术的哲学和审美文化渊源浅析

    Analysis of artistic philosophy of costume bionics and origins of aesthetic culture

  9. 民族文化与民族审美文化建设

    On Ethnic Cultures and the Creating of Ethnic Aesthetic Cultures

  10. 再论民族艺术审美文化资源的利用与展示

    Use and display of aesthetic cultural source of national art

  11. 电影审美文化分析的两个维度

    Two Respects in the Analysis of the Aesthetic Appreciation Culture of Films

  12. 活态文化转向与少数民族审美文化研究

    Research on the Living Cultural Shift and the Aesthetic Culture of Minority

  13. 大学德育过程审美文化研究论要

    Discussion on Aesthetic Culture Research in University Moral Education Process

  14. 大众艺术是当代审美文化留下的一道难题。

    Popular art is a difficult problem left by contemporary aesthetic culture .

  15. 当代审美文化的主体悖论和主体变奏

    The Paradox and Variation of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture Subject

  16. 电子传媒对审美文化的冲击与传承

    Impact and Inheritance of Electronic Media on Aesthetics Culture

  17. 审美文化的颠覆与生命反叛

    Self-Subversion of Aesthetic Culture and the Revolt of Life

  18. 在这种具有个性和创造性的审美文化氛围中,造就了尚健精神的重要内涵,而这又正是这种精神的价值成因所在。

    The atmosphere of individuality and creativity made the being of pioneering spirit .

  19. 从中西审美文化交融的角度看王尔德

    Wilde in Cultural Exchange Between Chines and Western Aesthetic

  20. 大众消费的世俗趣味第一次成为审美文化的主导趣味。

    Common-custom taste of popular consumption becomes the leading interest of esthetic culture .

  21. 审美文化:当代企业文化新的发展趋向

    Aesthetic Culture : the New Trend in Corporation Culture

  22. 美的拯救&试论魏晋时期审美文化心理结构的确立蒋华

    The Information of Aesthetic Mentality in Wei-Jin Periods

  23. 审美文化在现代摄影艺术教育中的作用

    The Role of Esthetics in Modern Photo Education

  24. 审美文化特征是这种文化根源的映射及显性呈现。

    Aesthetic culture is characterized by the mapping often cultural roots and dominant showing .

  25. 现代科技的发展对当代审美文化的影响是深远的。

    The development of modern science and technology profoundly affects the contemporary aesthetic culture .

  26. 殷商文字与民族传统的审美文化视野

    The Inscription of Shang Dynasty and the View of Traditional Appreciation Culture of Nationality

  27. 关于高校研究型课程建设的一些思考从通俗文学审美文化研究课说

    On the construction of researching curricula in universities

  28. 论审美文化的社会控制

    On Social Control of Aes the tic Culture

  29. 论社会系统中的审美文化

    On the Aesthetic Culture in the Social System

  30. 西方文化语境中审美文化概念的演变

    The Evolvement of the Concept of Aesthetic Culture in the Context of Western Culture